December 26th 2:11 PM

9 2 4

Henry opened the large glass door and stepped inside the building. The large white walls towered above his head, art hanging from the walls and the ceiling. He looked up, interested in a piece that was shaped like a butterfly with a deformed body.

"Hey, it's not actually open right now," a teenager said, walking over to Henry.

"I'm looking for someone and I was told she might be here," Henry replied.

"Sorry dude, I can't let you in," the teenager said, his voice flat. He blew a breath that fluttered his ginger hair around his face.

"Nemo!" Another guy called out. He walked closer, his stocky build forcing him to look up at Henry. A blue hat covered his hair, but his brown eyes shone out from his round face.

"Yeah, I'm just telling him he can't stay," Nemo drawled.

"I'm looking for someone," Henry stated again. The stocky man narrowed his eyes, taking Henry in.

"Looking for who?"

"Morgan," Henry replied, sticking his hands into his pockets.

"Henry?" The stocky man asked, perking up. Henry nodded his head. "I'm Alex! Morgan has told me a bit about you, come on, I'll bring you to her!" Alex exclaimed with a grin on his face. "Nemo, just lock the door and then come to my office." Nemo nodded his head and approached the front door.

"I'm sorry for coming in, I just thought-"

"Don't be sorry, I'm glad you did! I'll show you up to the studio. Morgan has been there working on a few custom orders I got back ordered on. It is wonderful having someone who has a very similar style to you. I'm sorry, I like to talk," Alex rambled, leading Henry through a door and up a set of metal stairs.

"That's okay," Henry breathed, his heart pounding. What would he say? Alex stopped in front of a large wooden door and looked back at Henry.

"You gonna be okay? You look like you're going to be sick," Alex questioned.

"Yeah, I'm fine," Henry said, trying to give Alex a reassuring smile. The other man narrowed his eyes and smiled. He pushed open the door and walked in. The walls and floor were covered in splatters of paint. One wall was covered with shelves and drawers, paint brushes and paint filled everyone.

"How come everyone is so hot these days?" Alex called out. From behind a circular set of easels came a reply.

"Global warming." Henry perked up at the sound of Morgan's voice. He could barely see her as she bent over a wooden table, a brush in her hand.

"I'm going to have to remember that one," Alex laughed.

"Write it down before you forget. How's Nemo doing out front?" She asked.

"Getting better. Still, a little slow doing some tasks. Left the front door open, but someone is here to see you," Alex stated, leading Henry around into the circle of easels. Henry bit his lip and bowed his head, the sound of his heart ricocheting in his ears.

"Oh yeah? Who?" She asked. When Alex didn't answer, Morgan stood up and turned around. Her jaw dropped and her breath hitched. Henry looked up and met her gaze. "Henry," she breathed out.

"I'll be downstairs if you need anything, such as-"

"Don't you finish that," Morgan snapped out of her trance and pointed the paintbrush at Alex. Alex snickered and disappeared out the door. It slammed just as Morgan turned to look at Henry. She shook her head in disbelief.

"What are you doing here?" She asked, walking over to the sink. She turned on the water and began rinsing out the brush.

"I wanted to, I wanted to apologize," he began, scuffing the toe of his shoe against a blue mark on the floor.

"For what?" Morgan questioned, glancing over her shoulder. Henry was staring down at the floor, not paying attention to her. She washed her hands and grabbed a paper towel, drying them off. In a swift movement, she pulled off the oversized t-shirt she was wearing and threw it in a basket in the corner. She brushed off the pink t-shirt she was wearing underneath before approaching Henry.

"Henry," she whispered, stepping in front of him. He looked up to meet her gaze and shook his head.

"I shouldn't have acted like that. I blew up at you and it was uncalled for. I didn't want you to actually go. I kept trying to tell myself that you were leaving, but the more time I spent with you the more I didn't want you to go. The more I wanted to actually be with you, and I didn't know how to go about it," Henry said. He bowed his head again, trying to look away from Morgan.

"You should have just said something," Morgan began, her voice soft. She reached up and gently touched Henry's chin, guiding his head up so he would once again look at her. "I didn't want to go. I was having a great time with you. I didn't want it to end either. I didn't say anything because it was your family, it was your choice."

"My family all wanted you to stay. Dad practically chased me out the door making sure I came here," Henry whispered, dropping his gaze. Morgan smiled and let her hand fall to his arm.

"Guess you should have done something about it," she said, letting out a small laugh.

"Yeah, but it's too late now to go back and change it," he replied. He looked up and met her gaze again. "But I'm hoping it's not too late to try again?"

"It's definitely not too late," Morgan said, her smile erupting into a grin. The corners of Henry's mouth tugged up as he smiled as well.

"Mistletoe is downstairs if it's really going to take you this long!" Alex called out from the doorway.

"Alex!" Morgan exclaimed, glaring at the doorway. Alex cringed and disappeared once again, the door slamming shut. She shook her head and looked up at Henry. He gently grabbed her face in his hands and leaned in to kiss her. She was taken off guard but quickly melted into his embrace.

"Merry Christmas," he whispered, resting his forehead against hers.

"It's actually the day after," she teased.

"Shut up," he mumbled, leaning in to kiss her again. 

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