December 25th 8:31 AM

10 2 6

"Henry, cone down here. I have a surprise that I need you here for!" Cameron called up the stairs. Henry took a deep breath and released his grip on the gray comforter. Sitting upright, he wiped his eyes with his hands and took another breath.

"Henry!" Cameron called again.

"Coming!" Henry called back and exited his room. He paused at the top of the stairs to look at the painting on the wall. He closed his eyes and shook his head before making his way down the stairs. Allison and Katie were sitting at the table with Anita, Maddie was playing in the corner, and Morgan and Gram stood in the doorway.

"Come sit," Cameron motioned to a seat next to Katie. Henry sighed and pulled out the chair, flopping down on it. Cameron grinned and pulled a stack of papers out of a box, flipping through and pulling out certain pages. Each one he set onto the table and sliding them over to Anita.

"What's this?" She asked, looking at the few lines upon the page.

"It's a revised version of the will," Cameron grinned. Anita smacked her lips and raised an eyebrow.


"Anita, it is in your interest, trust me," Cameron reached down and grabbed Anita's hand. The woman grinned and picked up the pen, signing her name on each page.

"This will be interesting, what else did he give her?" Allison hissed to Katie. The seventeen-year-old shook her head and scowled.

"Morgan, witness," Cameron said, holding out the pen. Morgan stepped up to the table and signed every sheet as well. Cameron took every page and reordered them, handing them to Morgan. "Make a copy and the uh, other thing."

"You got it," Morgan said and took off down the stairs.

"So what is in it for me?" Anita asked smugly. Cameron turned his head.

"Well, just everything-"

"Are you kidding me?" Allison exclaimed and stood up, the chair falling back onto the floor with a crash. Henry's jaw dropped and Katie let her head hit the table as she let out a groan. "You're giving her everything?"

"Allison, I'm not finished yet, just give me a minute to finish," Cameron said. Allison's head was shaking back and forth.

"No, you just gave her everything like that?" Allison questioned. She slammed a fist down on the table.

"When you said surprise, I thought it was going to be something good," Henry added, reaching out and touching Katie's head.

"You kids just can't handle the fact that I deserve it all," Anita said with a grin, standing up. Morgan appeared and handed the stack of papers to Cameron. Cameron smiled down at the girl.

"Is it?"

"Both in place," Morgan replied.

"Thank you," Cameron stated. Morgan walked over to Gram and picked up her bag.

"Let's go," Morgan said softly. Gram and Morgan disappeared into the mudroom as Morgan slipped on her boots. Cameron waited until the two had exited the house before turning back to Anita.

"I'm so glad you went along with it honey. Everything that you own is everything that you'll ever have," Cameron said, grinning widely. "None of this will be yours." Katie lifted her head off of the table.

"Did he just?" She began.

"This will, removed you from it," Cameron stated. Anita's smile fell and she snatched the stack of papers from his hands. She flipped through page after page, her face falling at every one.

"You can't do this!" Anita screamed, throwing the papers at Cameron.

"He removed her?" Henry asked. Katie nodded as Allison fell back into her seat.

"You cannot give them everything!" Anita screeched, pulling at her perfect hair. When some came out in her fists she screamed again.

"Oh, and I'd like you to sign these papers, too," Cameron stated, pointing to another set of papers on the table.

"And what are those?" Anita cried out, looking them over.

"Sign it, and you can keep the beach house," Cameron said, his voice hard and monotone. Anita looked up and tilted her head.

"The beach house?"

"In this states that you will leave immediately, will file for divorce, and that you will not come back to this house or talk to this family again. You will receive the beach house if you do so," Cameron replied. Anita grabbed the pen and quickly signed the documents.

"How do I get there?" Anita asked.

"Taxi will be coming to get you. Go pack your stuff," Cameron replied.

"Maddie you're gonna stay!" Anita called out.

"You're not going to take your kid?" Katie asked.

"She likes you a lot better anyway," Anita replied and disappeared up the stairs.  

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