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Me and the gang were walking through the forest trying to find toothless
Fish:were is he
Tuff:I bet I can find him like right now
Snot:really then were is he
Tuff:wait for
We all turned see toothless trying to escape the cove we got to the entrance of the cove but hid behind the rocks i then began to sketch toothless
Me:why don't you just fly way
I then noticed that half of toothless's tail was missing i then rubbed out one half of toothless tail
Me:come one
We then entranced the cove
Me:hey toothless
He then quirked his head towards us his eyes were slits but then his eyes turned to big wide circles
he sat on his hind legs looking at us
astrid:hey toothless I'm astrid
astrid then held out her hand and looked away toothless landed into her
then everyone else did it to
snot:the village is wrong everything we know about u guys is wrong
ruff/tuff:yah think
great hall
g:gobber where did astrid go wrong today
ruff:duh she showed up
astrid:I mistimed my somersault dive it was sloppy
ruff:yea we noticed
ruff said angrily
fish:hiccup what happened to u
he said as I walked into the great hall
me:u don't want to know
I then winked at them
I grabbed some food and sat at the table
g:where did hiccup go wrong
astrid:he's never where he should be
tuff:oh shut up astrid
astrid:why don't u tuff
g:thank u astrid
g:u need to live and breathe this stuff The dragon Manual
g:everything we know about dragons is in this book
everyone looked at the book with interest even the twins
(thunder) clashes
g:no attacks tonight study up
fish:oh I've read it like seven times there's this water dragon that sprays boiling water at your face.and there's this one
tuff:yea that sounds great...
snot:but we have to focus on one particular dragon that we need to focus on
astrid:night fury
me:come on time is night
ruff:uggggg fine
I opened the book
me:dragon classifications
astrid:strike class mystery class fear class
me:thunderdrum this reclusive dragon inhabits sea caves and dark tide pools
(time skip because I'm lazy)

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