Operation: Find Lucy Heartfilia

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I was reading a theory about who END is, she kinda made a point: ladymoonstache.tumblr.com

**Evil Natsu Dragneel Theory/ END and Zeref

Enjoy ^^

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"Master Makarov and First Master, we lost Lucy." Erza said while she bows in front of Mavis and Makarov.

"What are you talking about, Erza?" Makarov asked, shivering in disbelief.

"Lucy died?" Mavis asked, but she knew.

"She vanished and we don't know exactly where she is or how she clearly died." Wendy said, with a worried Carla in her arms.

"We shouldn't lose hope. Operation: Find Lucy Heartfilia." Mavis declared.

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After three months, still no sign of Lucy. Her scent dissapeared for good and even Warren can't use his telepathy on her.

They did lose hope. Lucy is now dead and there's nothing they can't do about it. Of course, they all cried. Griefing of the thought that a family member have disappeared into their life. 3 weeks later, they held a burial near the guild's building. Even other guilds came to the burial and Yukino even felt she just lost something important.

It was a very special day, a special, miserable day for the ones who loves Lucy Heartfilia. All of them were mourning for her great loss. Lucy's tomb was made by Natsu and the rest of the guild members... but mostly Natsu. This day is for Fairy Tail's Lucy Heartfilia.

-- 5 years later --

"Where's Natsu-nii?" Romeo asked Wendy.

"Natsu-san? Don't play with him yet. He probably wants some alone time right now." Wendy told Romeo while looking at the door.

"It's because I came with you guys. I'm really sorry." Lissana apologized.

"Lissana-san, don't blame yourself. I'm sure that even if you weren't there, that guy would have hostage me or Erza-san." Wendy said, she was feeling sad right now.

"Lucy-nee's death anniversary, huh? Natsu-nii's most sorrowful day." Romeo muttered.

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"Natsu, let's go?" Happy asked Natsu.

"Wait for a while. Let's just stay here for a bit." Natsu said, not showing his face to Happy.

Both Happy and Natsu felt at loss. Team Natsu broke after the burial (even though Lucy wasn't in the tomb).

It's back to plain partners of Happy and Natsu.

"It's funny when they took Lucy's stuff and stayed it away from us. Fairy Tail's been giving us time to move on." Happy said.

Both of them were quite sure. Even if they can't see Lucy's stuff, she would always be in their hearts.

"Even though we can't see it, we still can't move on even if her body is not here." Natsu said and he was on the verge of manly tears.

"Funny that I can't even save her. I'm so useless and pathetic. Ha ha." Natsu cried and laughed along. Happy started flying towards Natsu's lap and began to comfort him.

"We lost Lucy again. This second time. Would Edolas Lucy be dead as well?" Happy asked.

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