Decreasing Health

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Hey there!!

I'm so excited for the next Chapter!!

Enjoy ^^

** IamTrueMe **

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"Bleerrghhh...." Natsu muttered and covered his mouth with his hand.

"Natsu still haven't overcome his motion sickness?" Lucy asked Wendy.

"He sure didn't. And it keeps getting worse." Wendy said and chuckled at the end.

"I-it's not like this is gonna take me forever. I'm sure... this is going to go away." Natsu said and almost puked at Lucy.

"Geh! Don't puke on me!!" Lucy cried.

"Ha ha!! Quite pathetic, ain't he?" Gray said and laughed.

Natsu kicked Gray's stomach and hid behind Lucy. Erza was eating cake and Happy was sitting on Lucy's lap.

"Where are we going?" Wendy asked.

"Somewhere. Well, we need to have fun now that Lucy is here, as a team." Erza said with a smile on her face.

"I'll cast Troia on Natsu-san. Hang on, Natsu-san." Wendy said and casted Troia on Natsu.

"Much better!! So, Luce, how did you-- she's asleep again?!" Natsu yelled.

He looked at the sleeping Lucy and an unforgotten memory resided in his mind.

"Oi! Let's wake her up!! She's always sleeping and maybe... just maybe. That will happen again!" Natsu said to Erza.

"Don't worry, Natsu. I'm sure that she's okay. She might still be recovering her energy." Erza said, but inside, she's also very worried.

"Let's have faith. Oh, Erza-san, Jellal was keeping a keen eye for you~" Wendy teased.

"He llliiikkkeesss you." Happy and Wendy teased.

"O///O W-what?? N-no way. Let's not talk about that. L-let's talk about something else, shall we?" Erza said and was dodging their teases.

"You're right, Jellal was always asking how is Erza." Natsu said.

"S-stop it!!" Erza said and ate the whole of her cake. Everybody laughed including the sleeping Lucy.

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"Finally!! So, let's eat!! I'm so hungry!!" Natsu said with a sleeping Lucy on his back.

"Aye! Carla, let's eat some fish!" Happy said to Carla.

"Sure." Carla said and flew to a tree with Happy.

"Eh? Uh. I slept again. Natsu?" Lucy said, she was still half asleep.

"L-lucy?! Hey, she's awake!!" Natsu gleefully said.

"You're so warm. Thanks for everything." Lucy said and hugged Natsu by his neck.

Natsu got startled and stopped walking. Lucy simply hugged Natsu and slept again.

"I ain't gonna let you leave us again, Luce. We're gonna do some more adventures." Natsu mumbled.

After a while, she suddenly fell on the ground, sweating all over her body.

"Lucy!!" Natsu shouted.

Wendy and the others looked at the direction of Natsu and Lucy and sprinted towards them.

(Wendy) - "Lucy-san!!"

(Gray and Erza) - "Lucy!!!"

(Happy and Carla) - "Lucy~"

Loki appeared out of nowhere and stood in front of Team Natsu.

"Please protect Lucy. We can't let her leave us and she's very important. Lend us your strength." Loki said and bowed down.

"Why? What's going to happen?" Gray asked.

"She's gonna die on us. For real, this time." Loki said.

Natsu growed furious and took Lucy in his arms.

"I ain't gonna let that happen!!!!!!!" Natsu screamed.

"Then let Aquarius explain things to you all. We'll be waiting by the beach." Loki said in a stern voice.

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