> Cheesy First Dates <

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• This would have been out AGES ago but my phone wasn't letting me write
Also I don't know what people do for dates whoops-

You both arrived hand in hand at the movie cinema, a date Saeyoung decided was best from a list of 'First Date Ideas' the movie he had chosen was one you both wanted to watch and you enjoyed the time with him although the popcorn you both brought had ran out quickly and the woman above you dropped hers all over your head.
"I'm kind of glad we got out of there"You laughed still picking at the popcorn in your hair
"Who knows maybe the slushy was next!"Saeyoung laughed
"Well I'm glad it was only popcorn otherwise I would have been screwed"You looked to him grinning
"Here let me help"He chuckled picking pieces of popcorn you missed from your hair
"This was fun, including the popcorn honestly"You laughed
"Good good I'm glad it worked o-out"He grinned nervously

"I don't know what to do!"Saeran worried to his brother
"Look at this, 'List of first date ideas' Saeran there's an ice skating rink in town take here there"Saeyoung whispered u effectively
"Alright alright bye!"Saeran rolled his eyes as he walked through the door linking his arm through yours as he began to walk to the ice skating rink
The entire time you were there was amazing, skating was enjoyable when you weren't thinking about the razor sharp blades on the bottom of your feet or tripping on purpose. Saeran smiled as you skated up to him dragging him along with you checking he was okay every now and then.
"Thanks for this Saeran."You smiled looking back at him
"I'm-I'm-I'm glad your having fun"He smiled back

"Why did you want to do a photo shoot alone out here for?" You asked as you walked through the trees
"I needed more photos"
"Come on V don't lie to me! You just wanted to hang out with me!"you laughed
"Maybe"V chuckled as he tightened his grip on the kit in his hands taking your hand in his free one
"Woah! It's only a few candles, a table, chairs and food."
"Don't note the white fairy lights littered in the trees."You gaped
"Come on let's just eat before it gets too dark"V smiled
"The photos? Your kit?"You asked as he dragged you carefully to the table
"I'll do it while we eat"V rolled his eyes playfully
"You know what V I like you very much"
"You know what (y/n) I'm falling for you like a rock from a ten floor building"V tried to hold a flat face
"What kind of joke was that"you laughed

"Zen we're supposed to be practicing!"You snapped at the narcissistic actor as he pulled you along
"We've been practicing lines for the past three weeks and I thought, maybe just maybe I would treat you, my wonderful girlfriend to our first date, and I was looking good today."Zen winked back at you
"Oh your gonna be showing off your looks to a bunch of unsuspecting girls!"You grinned
"How about one, suspecting girl?"Zen rolled his eyes
"Nah I'm good Zenny"You winked, "where are we going anyways?"
"Somewhere were we won't be the centre of attention!"Zen said flicking down a pair of sunglasses before putting some on you
"Zen! We are at a fast food place!"You whispered
"Hey it's one time and don't call me that, call me Z"He whispered back
"Then call me agent 007"You winked
"How about Zero?"Zen chuckled
"Well fine fine Mr.Z"You stepped back into the fast food joint
You didn't even eat that much, just chatting taking photos and yes, you got him to practice a phew Lines that wouldn't seem weird.
"Good first date Zero"Zen winked
"Not too bad Z."

"Jumin do we have to do fancy stuff for our first date? Can't I teach you something simple huh?"You pressed him
"My dad already doesn't like you because your not an actress or business woman I don't know if that's the best idea"Jumin rolled his eyes
"What does trust fund kid lack skills in....how about a little bit of basketball? I'm not the best but I bet I'm better than you are"
"Basketball really?"Jumin rolled his eyes
"C'mon Juminnnn lets go!"You grasped his hand pulling him along
By the end his suit was a mess and you did not win, whoops?

You went on a coffee date, not at her cafe and admittedly Jaehee's drinks and snacks are way better.
"Jaeheeee I want to eat your cakeee"You whisper whined
"(Y/n) please it's our first...."
"But Jaehee! Your coffee even smells better!"You gasped
"They use the same ingredients as me.."Jaehee flushed
"But they don't put as much care into it!"You concluded
"Whatever you say..."
"I say your cafe is better!"You said a little too loudly
"Please get out"
"I'm going to get Coffee and snacks at (Jaehee's store name)!"You beamed
You got banned for a while but more people went to Jaehees cafe and she was thankful.

"(Y/N) what do you think of the food?"Yoosung worried
"Looks gooooood!"You smiled
"What about the picnic?"Yoosung asked nervously
"Your blanket is so fluffy just like you!"You joked
"You gotta be smooth! Or I'll kick you out of our guild!"You winked
"Nooo! You can't! That's not fair (y/n)!"Yoosung mumbled
"Oh yeah I can, I'm the l e a d e r"You smirked
Yoosung frowned.
"I'm joking college omlette"You hugged him
"P h e w"
"Are we going to eat or what?"You asked
"I m g o I n g t o S a y y e S"
"Good choice my lil omelette"You smiled
"I knew that my (N/N)"Yoosung grinned

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