> When They Ignore You <

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I'm sorry if I didn't do it right I don't think I got enough of the ignoring part sorry

"Saeyoung please"You sighed
For hours your hacker boyfriend had sat on his bed, laptop in his hands not interacting with you in any way. Usually when he was even in an extreme crisis he would still say something, but he sat typing slowly not blinking or even looking at you as you paced around the room.
"At least tell me what I did!"You pleaded
"I don't want to talk to you. I told you I'm dangerous."Saeyoung frowned not looking away from the screen
"I told you I don't care! I love you and that's all that matters!"
"No it's not, your safety matters."Saeyoung sighed
"Why are you so worried all of a sudden"You mumbled
"Look I- someone threatened me. Threatened you. That's why you can't leave"
"Is that why you've been ignoring me for hours on end?"You frowned
Saeyoung nodded silently.
"Look Saeyoung... if I have to stay here with you ignoring me I'll be alone."
"You have the RFA"Saeyoung argued
"Saeyoung please just stop ignoring me."You pleaded as you sat beside him
"Fine."Saeyoung sighed as he looked to you with tired eyes, "I...love you."
"I love you too Saeyoung."You smiled as you kissed his cheek

You sat in a cell quietly, Rika had just declared you a traitor for your friendship with the RFA, locking you in one of her cells and making your boyfriend see you as an enemy.
Your throats had become dry from the dehydration and your exhaustion was shown across your face.
"Shut up traitor"Saeran frowned
"At lease let me drink"You sighed
Saeran only kicked water bottles into the cell clearly annoyed even as you drunk half a bottle.
"Saeran listen-"
"Shut up traitor"
"Saeran I would never betray you"You pushed
"You betrayed our leader and your castes out of paradise traitor."
"I still love you"
"Shut up."
You smiled to him standing up weakly as you leaned against the bars.
"Be good Saeran someone's looking for you"You smiled
"I'm already found."
"Everything will get better as soon as he gets here"You rolled your eyes
You knew everything about the mint eye after years of pretending loyalty and brain washing and that's why you loved him, because you understood him.
"I love you Saeran."
"I- I love you too"Saeran sighed, "stop corrupting me!"
"Soon enough love"You smiled

The anniversary of Rika's death always took its toll on V, not that he still loved her as he had you but as it brought back memories. All the times he let her roll over him and ruin his life- the way he blocked out her flaws for the longest time which caused him to crush himself.
"V?"You whispered
He had sat on the couch, his hand against his forehead, hair covering his face.
"I know it's hard V but please talk to me"You frowned as you sat on the lounge
V slowly shook his head side to side.
"V. I'm here for you, every single day"You smiled as you slung your arm around him gently
"It's stupid."He mumbled
"What's stupid?"You asked
He looked up, meeting your eyes and allowing you to see tear stained cheeks.
"How I ignore you and cry over the woman that almost ruined my life."V sighed as he hid his head in your shoulder
"It's not stupid, it makes sense and I don't mind. You loved her."You whispered hugging him closer to you
"Every year"
"Every year you ignore me until I comfort you, and I'm okay with that"
"Thank you so much. I love you."V whispered

"Look just go away I'm busy"Zen growled
"Zen don't do this your overworking yourself"You frowned as you grabbed his arm
"It's my job! Just go..."
"Zen are you serious?!"
"I'm a waste of your time go!"Zen yelled
You jumped lightly at the actors raised voice, it was strange to see him in that mood, not flirting or being narcissistic but it wasn't the first time.
"Get out already."Zen grumbled grazing a hand through his hair
"Zen your overworking yourself stop it."You stood still
"I won't hurt you but you need to leave"
"Is this about the kiss?"You pushed
"It is isn't it."You sighed. "Look Zen I don't care. You've done it so many times before and I understand."
"I've done it before sure but you can't be okay with this. I'm trying to get it rescheduled and i need to revise so we can do it before- in the next two days."Zen argued
"Zen I'm okay with you kissing her your acting"
"It's not okay to kiss another girl on our anniversary!"
The entire room froze.
"Oh Zenny is that really why?"You asked
"I don't want to do it"
"Just ask them to swap scene filmings"You smiled
"That's why I'm practicing for it"
"Don't be so harsh on yourself honestly I don't mind"
"You know what I'm asking for the entire day off"
"Don't worry if the director says no, I'll always love you silly"You laughed hugging him

"Jumin? Why haven't you been answering my calls this ENTIRE week?"You asked as you banged against his door
"Go away, you'll get the press involved."
"I don't care I have nothing to lose, you on the other hand.... 'Companies CEO ignoring girlfriend? Potential Fling!' Isn't a good enough headline ISNT IT?"You yelled
"Why are you acting like a child throwing a tantrum"Jumin rolled his eyes as the door opened, hand wrapping around yours as he yanked you in
"Because you are idiot."You huffed
"What do you mean?"Jumin shook his head
"You've been ignoring me all week"
"Have you been reading the newspaper"Jumin sighed as he sat down
"No I've been too busy worrying that my boyfriend might be dead."You mumbled angrily
"Look, come over here and look at the headline"Jumin sighed as he handed over a paper
"'Jumin Han isn't the most appropriate business leader?' Why do they have photos from our date Jumin..."
"I don't know but my father banned me from going anywhere apart from the company, and talking to you"Jumin frowned
"Shoot seriously...Jumin you should go to a prestigious event with me, rub it in his face....the dance tomorrow...what do you say?"You smirked
"I could get in major trouble but...I'd love too"Jumin laughed as he kissed your cheek, "But Elizabeth the 3rds coming too!!"

"Jaehee pass me the sugar can you please?"You asked as you began to pile ingredients together
Jaehee passed the sugar jar to you staying silent just as she had since 11am.
"Jaehee are you seriously still upset about the homophobic arse that flirted with me?"You whispered
"Welcome to Jaehee's coffee shop what would you like?"She questioned
"A slice of vanilla cake and a mocha please"
"Right away sir"Jaehee said after he paid
"Jaehee please answer me"You mumbled as you picked up a whisk
"Yes, I'm getting over it don't worry"Jaehee sighed
"You don't have to, ban him from the store- look."You leaned up against the whiteboard writing 'BANNED in red letters', "name"
"Antonio Bandares"
Antonio Bandares'
"There"You smiled
"Thanks (Y/N)...."Jaehee smiled

"Yoosung?"You asked knocking on his door
The boy had failed a class and had been ignoring the RFA chats, calls and messages from everyone.
"Yoosung!"You called again
Hand fumbling into your pocket you pulled out a silver key, unlocking the apartments door and walking in to the blonde boy, faded eyes, stained cheeks, black shades under his eyes that were focused on the computer screen as he played LOLOL.
"Yoosung"You mumbled as you closed the door walking to him
"Huh? Oh (Y/N) hi..."He greeted hoarsely
You went to the kitchen grabbing his favourite fruit and some water before walking to his desk.
"Yoosung it was one test that made you fail, you can make up for it"You sighed sitting the things down
"I failed (Y/N)"He whispered
"I know but you can redo it here, log off sweetie"You whispered helping him log off
"(y-y/n) I'm sorry"He cried as he wrapped arms around you
"It's okay lets go and get some good food, have a shower and a sleep and we can study tomorrow okay?"You smiled kissing his cheek
"O-okay (y/n/n) I love youuuu"
"I love you too"You smiled leading him outside

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