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My legs are shaking: I'm almost scared to see how he could look like. My mind and my imagination have been fantasizing for so long that I'm afraid to see what I'm gonna find. What if he's totally different from what I've pictured?

-So?! Are you going to just stand there? We have to get in!

-Mike, we'll come in anyway, be patient!

Mike snorts, playing with his phone. I look down: between the crowd stomping feet, I can see a pair of elegant pointed shoes and a pair of dark green, checkered pants. But what catches my eye is the tip of a black and white walking stick, so shiny that it looks like a big licorice stick.

Licorice...No, I don't want to have such expectations: he may be the owner of a candy factory, but this looks slightly exaggerated, even for a mythical figure like Willy Wonka. Anyway, how do i know that man is really him? I didn't even see his face...

-Golden ticket winners, come forward!

A melodious voice towers above all the others. Who is speaking?

-Gloop! Teavee! Beauregard! Salt! Bucket!- the mysterious voice continues.

Mike is so busy playing with his phone he doesn't even notice they were calling him. I take the Ticket from his hands, waving it in the air to indicate my presence. I see four other hands doing the same.

They lead us into an elevator full of buttons and strange levers, with the other winners. The last thing I see is the man with the pointed shoes I saw before, from behind. Green checkered pants, tailcoat and walking stick. Could he be Willy Wonka?

-Do come in!

A lightning hits the ground near my feet, and it all becomes dark.

We just got inside, and I already feel discombobulated: that elevator took us into the Factory, almost throwing us into the hallway. To get in, we have to go in through a kind of anteroom with our tickets ready, probably to sign a contract or something like that. I look around: the walls have a bright purple color, and there are colorful big pipes on the walls, that snake everywhere.

I looked at the other kids and they are as bad as each other. The first kid to get in, a certain Augustus Gloop, is a very, very fat German child: I swear I saw a long sausage around his neck... he never stopped eating since we got here, mainly because his mother keeps giving him beef sticks from her purse. How much of that meat does she have?

Next, there's a Russian girl named Veruca, who wears a pink mink coat and a diamond tiara. A hateful girl: I just heard her screaming "I'll take care of you, Wonka, if you don't focus on me!". I'm glad to hear that Mike isn't the only obnoxious child here...

Before us, there's a little girl named Violet Beauregard, a girl in a sparkling jumpsuit, with her father. I'm speechless. She never stopped chewing her gum in the noisiest way she could since we arrived. Once in a while, she takes off the chewing gum from her mouth, sticking it behind her ear, and in those moments she talks non-stop, while she poses for her dad, who keeps taking pictures of her with his phone.

One thing that I notice as I look around this room is that there are no workers in this factory. No one who unloads cargos, no one who walks all around... That's weird. Well, maybe there are some laboratories inside or stuff like that...


Finally, it's up to us. I take Mike's hand as I walk into the cupboard.

-Hello, Mr.- What I'm seeing stops me.

In front of me, there's Willy Wonka, the man in the tuxedo I saw before entering here, and he's exactly like how I imagined him to be. He's tall, with a purple tailcoat and every piece of clothing in a different color. He wears a black top hat with a ribbon of light blue satin, and he has his shiny walking stick.

-Welcome!- Wonka receives us with a toothy smile, but when he looks at me his face changes, with an expression of amazement. Or surprise, I don't know. I must have something out of place... We keep looking at each other for a few seconds. He has beautiful light blue eyes, they're so intense...

-Hey doofus, do you have Wi-Fi?

Mike's voice distracts me from my thoughts: oh my God, how can he be so rude? I glare at him, but he sticks his tongue out at me.

Wonka acts like nothing happened:-So, I suppose you're Mike Teavee, the boy who hacked into my computers...

Mike answers with a smug smirk. There's a contract to sign on the desk, with a big "W" printed at the top.

-And who is this beautiful young lady accompanying him?

-Ehr, I'm... I-I'm his o-older s-sister... Nice to meet you, Mr. Wonka...

He smiles at me, shaking my hand. I start looking for a pen in my purse to sign the contract, but Wonka stops me:-Wait, miss. You can use this one.

He pulls out from a drawer a puffy, violet writing plume, offering it to me. While signing, the plume fibers go into my nose: dear God, I'm such a clumsy... Wait a minute, this plume smells strange.

-It smells like plums!- I exclaim smiling. Mike looks at me in shock like I said the stupidest thing in the world. Apparently, though, Wonka looks satisfied:-Do you like it? It's my invention: edible feathers, to chew on every time it's needed! And we don't have only plum flavor! Take a look: lemon, strawberry, mint, orange, chocolate! They can satisfy all tastes!- while talking, he keeps pulling from the drawer dozens of feathers, in every colors and shape. I laugh softly: he's so excited...

I give Wonka the signed contract, and he looks at my name.

-I'm sorry, I haven't introduced myself yet: I'm called...

-(Y/N). It's a wonderful name.- he says, kissing my hand. I feel my cheeks going on fire.

-Ehr... So we...we're going...

-Sure, in a few seconds I'll be right with you. The other parents with their children are outside.

-(Y/N)! Are you going to move or not?!- yells Mike.

I walk out the room, closing the door at my back. After us, there's another child who has to show his ticket, a kid with his grandpa. Hiding from Mike, I smell my hand: it smells like cotton candy...


Here we are! I wanted to post this on December,22 but I couldn't resist :D Do you like this chapter? Let me know!

I'm not gonna publish anything until the last week of December,so Merry Christmas in advance to everyone


The Candy Man (Christian Borle as Willy WonkaXReader)Where stories live. Discover now