Christmas greetings around the world:
🇺🇸: Merry Christmas
🇪🇸: Feliz Navidad
🇫🇷: Joyeux Noël
🇮🇹: Buon Natale
🇷🇺: Srozhdestovm Kristovim
🇳🇴: God Jul
🇰🇷: Sung Tan Chuk Ha
🇯🇵: Shinnen omedeto
🇩🇪: Froehliche Weihnachten
🇵🇭: Kyah, Pembaryah
Katangahan Lines #179
Christmas greetings around the world:
🇺🇸: Merry Christmas
🇪🇸: Feliz Navidad
🇫🇷: Joyeux Noël
🇮🇹: Buon Natale
🇷🇺: Srozhdestovm Kristovim
🇳🇴: God Jul
🇰🇷: Sung Tan Chuk Ha
🇯🇵: Shinnen omedeto
🇩🇪: Froehliche Weihnachten
🇵🇭: Kyah, Pembaryah