Interview with @shxttxr

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Interview with @shxttxr


What is your username?

A.  shxttxr

When did you start writing lgbt stories? why do you write them?

A. I first started writing lgbt stories when I was about ten, when I first discovered Wattpad, and I think I wrote them because I found them funny at the time. Now I write them because I understand the struggles and difficulties of LGBT life.

What can you tell us about the current story you’re working on? Tell us a little about the plot and the characters in it?

A. I am currently working on a story called Sleeveless. It is a story about Scarlett Blade, an oppressed masochist dealing with the everyday struggles of life.

She is a sixteen year old school girl, worried about typical every day things such as exams and homework, but she is also hiding some very dark secrets from her friends.

It is set for release 17.05.14

Why do you think the readers should read your story?

A. The readers should read Sleeveless as it something a person can either empathize, or sympathize with. With Sleeveless being so relatable towards the audience, it could also help overcome fears or issues.

Which is your favorite character, in the current story you are working on?

A. Definitely Scarlett, because although she isn't the only character, the story revolves around her and her issues, which I believe to be relatable to the audience.

Which do you like writing more (boyxboy or girlxgirl or both)? Why?

A. I like writing boyxboy more, but that's because I am a girl and find it almost... disturbing to write girlxgirl. However, I will be writing both in Sleeveless.

Can you tell us about your other stories, any two other stories that you are working on?

A. I am working on an AHS fanfiction, Still Breathing, but it isn't really the LGBT type.

Do you offer critiques to other users? If you have offered a critique, mention that story?

A. I offer critiques in return for a small payment, such as a small comment or a follow.

I have critiqued stories such as In Front of My Eyes and Don't Wake Up.

Do you write for yourself or for the readers?

A. I write for myself, I just find it amazing that somebody actually wants to read my work.

Describe yourself in ten words;

A. smorgasbord, ultracrepidarian, simtastic, snaztastic, polyglot, bashful, shmowzow, selcouth, bodacious and alacrity...


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