Chapter 4- Regrets

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Max's POV

The cold air sent a tingle down my spine, waking me up from my deep sleep. When I opened my eyes teal hair blocked my sight. I could immediately tell it was Nikki's which calmed me down a bit. It took me a while to realise that we where naked meaning only on thing... drunk sex. I scanned up and down Nikki's body till I froze. She was bleeding, and fucking bad. Her legs where covered in it, as well as the sheets. Was that my fault? I really hope it wasn't. A massive headache hit me, must've been campbell's shity but great wine. Nikki moved obviously now awake, time to hear her reasons for all that blood.

Nikki's POV

I knew Max was awake. I was terrified, It was obvious that he had already noticed the blood and was worried about it. "Nikki... what the fuck is up with all the blood?" He's not going to like this. " We had, well YOU had drunk sex with me and I started bleeding and you wouldn't stop" Here it comes, the yelling, the hitting, all the things my mum did to me. Get ready Nikki.

Max's POV

Me?... IT WAS ME?! How could I be so careless! She was the most precious thing to me and I ruined her. " NIKKI I'M SO SORRY I DIDN'T MEAN TO DO THIS!" Tears clouded my eyes, I was a monster. I put my hand to where the blood was, her body shook rapidly from terror. I couldn't even touch her anymore! STUPID WINE! WHAT HAVE YOU DONE TO MY NIKKI?! "It's okay Max... I won't tell a soul" No Nikki, no. "No Nikki, It's my fault that I've mad you bleed the Niagara falls and possibly be... pregnant..." Fuck... I'd never thought of that kind of possibility till now, If she is it's going to be a tough one to tell David and Gwen...

Nikki's POV

Holy shit... I could be pregnant. Surely the blood would've stopped me becoming fertile. Right? I wouldn't mind a kid, just not now. I'M ONLY 14! When I think about it though, think of how proud my mum would be. All my life she's told me that being pregnant at a young age was okay, she was... so what difference would it make? 

End of POVs

As soon as Max let go of Nikki she grabbed the sheets and ran off to the bathroom to clear of the blood. Max knew she was doing this, what else? He dressed himself, which took ages, and went to the bathroom to find Nikki clean and holding a pregnancy test, eyeing it with all her might. Max walked over to her, careful to not scare her by his presence. Her legs where red from scrubbing, making Max feel even worse then he already did. Minutes ticked by, which felt like hours, of silence till Nikki snatched away the test. " You okay Niks?" Max asked her while she nervously looked at the test in disbelief. She no longer looked scared, meaning only one thing ...she wasn't. A sigh of relief came from Max until Nikki's expression changed drastically.

Her breathing quickened, you could almost hear her heart pumping out of her chest. "M-Max" She stuttered. "yeah?" His breathing started to quicken along with hers. "I-...It's." She struggled to say the words since her tears clogged her throat.


Oooooooh dear. Next chapter will be a hell of an emotional roller coaster so be prepared! Sorry if this chapter isn't as long as you'd hope it would be. Christmas is 2 days away and presents still have to be bought and wrapped. I'll update as soon as I have time, goodbye for now!

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