Chapter 5-You never forget your regret

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I'm so sorry I haven't updated in ages! Wattpad was a butt and wouldn't let me sign in or anything. And of course life kicked in so I haven't had the time to update, so it's your lucky day!

David's POV
The suns beams woke me up as I opened up my eyes. The light stung them as I scanned around the room to find loads of sleeping campers and a massive mess. I had noticed Max and Nikki weren't lying on the floor but it wasn't something to worry about. They probably went for a morning walk. As I tried to wake up Gwen I heard a mumbled half shout coming from the bathroom. The voice sounded feminine, awfully like Nikki's. I doubt she'd be yelling it's positive though... right? My thoughts where cut short as Gwen let out a short snort and jolted awake, "huh, where am I? Why am I covered in cake and streamers?" Clearly she wasn't with it so I let her drift back off to sleep.
Since I was the only one awake downstairs I walked up the stairs and listened for the sound of the muffled voices,they sounded distressed making me a bit worried.i froze as I had a humongous sob. It rung in my ears, I scurried along to the bathroom where the cry was the loudest. I pushed the door open, "what on earth is going on he..." I stopped speaking. I saw the red marks on Nikkis legs and tears pouring out of her eyes. A positive pregnancy test sat to her right, laying there on the bathroom counter...MAAAAX!

Nikki's POV
I was scared out of my mind, what was I going to do?! "MAX WHAT THE FUCK AM I GOING TO DO?! I'M TO YOUNG!" Max looked equally terrified, both our parents where horrible...imagine what we would be like. "Nikki, if you really don't want this you can have an abortion" ABORTION?! "AN ABORTION?! NO WAY MAX! I WANTED A BABY EVER SINCE WE DID THAT PLATYPUS EGG EXCERSISE! I'LL BIRTH AND CARE FOR THIS BABY EVEN IF IT KILLS ME MAX!" My voice started to crack as a sob hung in my neck. It clogged my words from coming out. Soon I just couldn't handle it, out of the blue I screamed, letting it all out. I collapsed onto Max and cried as the tears fell. All of a sudden the door flew open, showing David's concerned face which turned into slight rage. "What I'm earth is going on he-" his words stopped as he eyed my red stained legs... fuck. He slowly travelled up to see my sobbing face, then something caught his eye. I had left the pregnancy test on the counter...

Max's POV
I was terrified, but no where near as terrified as Nikki. We where both way to young, what would everyone think. Not only that but I'm gonna be a shitty dad, as shitty as... my parents. "MAX WHAT THE FUCK AM I GOING TO DO?! I'M TO YOUNG!" My words came right out of her mouth."Nikki, if you really don't want this you can have an abortion" the words painfully rolled of my tongue, that would be the last thing I'd want... but it might be the best. "AN ABORTION?! NO WAY MAX! I WANTED A BABY EVER SINCE WE DID THAT PLATYPUS EGG EXCERSISE! I'LL BIRTH AND CARE FOR THIS BABY EVEN IF IT KILLS ME MAX!" I had never been more proud at her for that. That was the Nikki I knew, whatever shit from life was thrown at her she'd either find a way to dodge it or she'd look it straight in the eye and face it straight up. My pride slowly faded as I heard a sob erupt from her throat. I slightly extended my arms getting ready for her to collapse on me... and she did. A bloodcurdling cry forced it's way out as she fell forward into my chest. Her cry's where strangled by my shirt as I slowly wrapped my arms around her, scared to make her flinch. Suddenly, a massive thud came from the door as it flew open effortlessly, revealing a distressed looking David. My mind was full of things so I couldn't think of any sarcastic remark to blurt at him. Nikki was the soul focus not David... "what on earth is going on he-" his voice came to a halt as he looked at what was happening... I was in the deep shit. I knew I was gonna be in deeper as I saw him look at the pregnancy test lazing about on the counter...

David's POV
"Max...WHAT.DID.YOU.DO" he was in for it and I could clearly tell he knew it. Getting Nikki pregnant was one thing, but the red stains on her legs was something else. His speech quavered as he told me about what happened last night, Nikki trying to stifle her sobs, pressing harder into Max's chest. His throat sounded clogged with terror and guilt as he struggled to get his words out. "I-I got drunk from Campbell's wine a-and I took Nikki to the spare room and we did it but... I was too drunk to realise that she was bleeding" I didn't know what to feel, I knew Max was a troubled boy and grew up around the influence of alcohol, but getting so drunk that he hurt Nikki is no exception. "Max... if you want to do this you've got a lot of shaping up and making up to do." I could tell in his eyes that he really wanted this... they both did. "You've got to tell Gwen Max" his eyes shrunk as I said Gwen's name, this was going to be tough.

Gwen's POV
My eyes slowly opened as the sun light awoke me. My head had a pounding headache reminding me of the party last night. I was awoken even more when I heard David's voice from upstairs, I noticed that two of the famous camp trio, Max and Nikki, where gone. They must be with David. My questions where soon answered as I saw the three walk down the stairs, Nikki's legs where awfully red making me slightly worried about where they had been and what they where doing. "Gwen, Max and Nikki have something that they need to tell you". The couple slowly stepped forward looking scared out of their minds. "Gwen" Max cautiously chose his words in his head before he told me. "Nikki's pregnant... and I'm the dad" My jaw dropped as I looked at Nikki, whose head was hung low in shame and fear. I didn't know what to feel, anger,happiness, fear... "Number one, what the actual fuck Max, number two, congratulations. But you two both know that this is incredibly dangerous" "we've been told, but if we loose this one then I won't have enough courage to have another go" Nikki's words touched me in a heartwarming way. She was going to do this wether it killed her or not, it's the kind of person she is and I didn't mind. The idea was a little fucked up but it wasn't anything I couldn't handle, I've watched enough soap dramas to understand that. "Nikki if you're really going to do this you've got to tell the other campers and most importantly yours and Max's parents". Both of them flinched at the word parent. Surely Nikki's mum wouldn't be to bothered since she was a slut anyway. I wasn't really unsure about Max's parents though. He hadn't seen them in years, if he just turned up on their door step and told them that he got his 14 year old girlfriend pregnant they wouldn't really appreciate that. There was only one option and that was to phone them. Even though they put no available way to contact them on Max's sign up sheet, Max himself had managed to get his mothers phone number. His father wanted nothing to do with him, neither did his mother really. But when your sneaky like Max it's easy to grab the gold. "Max, your going to have to phone your parents...there's no other way of telling them about this" Max's breathing quickened at the mention of this idea.

End of POVS
Unlike Max's parents, Nikki's mom did put her phone number down on her sheet, so they decided to ring her first.
"Nikki sweetheart! What are ya'll ringing me for?"
"Mom... You may not like this or you will but... I'm pregnant"
"... oh my god NIKKI! I'VE NEVER BEEN SO PROUD!"
Those words hit her as if someone had just punched her. She was proud. She didn't know wether to feel disgusted at the fact that she's happy she's breaking the law or happy that she has no problem with it.
"Yes honey! Following in your mother's footsteps, there's no better way to go"
Nikki scowled from the other end of the phone, at least her mother couldn't see her face. She wouldn't be happy at the dirty looks on it.
"I've got to go sugar plum, I've got a date-"
Nikki has expected nothing else, what kind of mother was she? Her daughter is pregnant and she's more worried about her men then about the fact that this could go multiple ways
"Sure, I'll go now then"
"Wait a second, before I go I just wanna say, if it ain't a girl I.won' Bye sweetie!"
And with that she hung up. What she didn't know was that she was on speaker phone. Everybody was disgusted. Her daughter was pregnant at an illegal age, her boyfriend could be charged for rape, she could die from doing this. And all she could say was that she was proud she was being a slut and if it wasn't a girl ties could be cut off. Nikki promised herself that she would be nothing like her mum, and whatever gender the baby was they'd have a good life.
Max knew what was next, so he slowly reached for his phone and pulled it out of his jeans pocket. His hand was shaking as he looked through his contacts to find mum. He pressed on it and put the phone to his ear.
"Hello, who is this?"
"It's your son... Max"

1728 words Jesus. Left it on a cliff hanger cause I didn't want to have it all in one chapter. I hope you enjoyed and will be pleased to know that I will be updating this more often 😊

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