The Beginning

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Third Grade

Today was my first day of third grade. I should be happy right?


A few weeks ago my parents just packed their things and left while we were sleeping.

By 'we' I mean me, I'm seven, my older brother Paul, he's seven too but older by 10 months, and our little sister, Lilly, is 5.

Stella (our foster mom) just dropped Paul and me off at school. We're both going to be in all the same classes. When we get there, our teacher, Ms. Summervile, makes us introduce ourselves, then she teaches some stuff, blah blah blah...recess time!

I find a nice shady tree and sit and watch as Paul quickly makes friends. I feel better knowing Paul is taking this better then me. Its weird seeing Paul sad since he was always the happy one. I see these three girls walking up to me, one of them was black, her hair was in pigtails, and she was wearing green camo pants and matching shirt with brown sandals. The one beside her looked Chinese, she had long black hair and she was wearing a pink shirt with a white skirt and shiny ballet flats. The girl in the middle was slightly in front of the other two and I, or anyone for that matter, could tell she was the leader. She had dark brown hair that reached her shoulders and was tan, and she was wearing a yellow sundress with flowers on it. I felt way under dressed just looking at them. I was wearing cyprus, a white shirt with light blue flowers, a black jacket with the sleeves pushed up, and my short hair was tucked behind my ears and with me being albino, I was pale and my hair was white as polar bears fur, and my eyes were blue and I had glasses with a black, thin wire frame.

I smile shyly. They looked nice but I was way wrong. They kept walking until they were right in front of me. "This is our tree," said the black girl.

I just looked at them.

"That means move, freak," said the tan girl.

"You don't own this tree, and I don't want to move," I said getting up. I didn't like them towering over me and I crossed my arms.

I smirked to myself. I was taller then all of them by a few inches. The tan one, I think she's Mexican because she had an accent, looked angry and then she pushed me.

I couldn't take it anymore. My anger has been slowly building ever since that cop that asked questions we didn't have answers to, the children services lady talking to us like we were stupid, repeating questions thinking we didn't understand when we just didn't want to answer them, even Lily was annoyed, she kicked the lady in the shin for Christ's sake! Anyway back to the situation, I scrambled back up and I'm pretty sure my face was red with anger as I slapped her. The girl fell to the ground holding her cheek. I crouched down next to her and said,"Just leave me and my tree alone now, yeah?" I ask in a sweet voice. She just nods her head still holding her cheek. I look at her friends expectantly. The black one nodded vigorously and the Chinese one just shrugged and walked away.

They left me alone after that but so did everyone else, and I guess my gay last name saved the teachers from hating me, so I have one thing to thank my dad for.

I'm walking home by myself since Paul already got invited to go over to someone's house and Lily was too sick to go to school. Besides, Stella's is only a few blocks over.

I'm just lost in thought when I feel something hitting my back. I look up thinking it might be rain, but, even though it's depressingly cloudy, it's not raining, but somethings still hitting by back, so i turn around and a pebble almost hits me in the face, and I see the three boys who are always with Laura, the girl I slapped. I sigh and put my hood on. 'Must be here to defend their queens honor', I think to myself.

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