Chapter 2: Life Sucks Then You Die

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Junior Year

"Jessica, time to wake up," Stella told me as she literally pushed me out of bed.


This is me, cuddling my little blue carpet that really needs to be vacuumed.

"Why?" I ask.

"Why what?" Stella asks.

"Why so early?" I say pulling my blanket on to the was actually really comfy.

Stella sighs. "Well, it's your first day of school and we all know how pissy you get if your late.

"Now I'm going to say this one more time before I dump boiling hot water all over you...wake up," she told me in her stern 'mom' voice and gently nudged my head with her foot.

"Alright, alright!," I say getting up from the floor and slapping her disgusting foot away.

"Now hurry and take a stank," she says and scrunches up her nose.

"I do NOT!" I say and sniff my armpit to prove my point and gag a little.

Stella smirks and raises and eyebrow.

"Shut up, it's like your feet smell any better!" I say in a whiny voice and run to my bathroom. I hear her laughing as she makes her way down the stairs.

I turn the water on and plug my iPhone in to the dock of a mini speaker and press play. Desperate Measures by Marianas Trench starts playing. I get in the shower when the water gets warm enough.

15 minutes later

I step out of the shower feeling refreshed. I turn my radio up so I can hear it in my room. The One That Got Away by Katy Perry was playing. I immediately think of Marcus. Even though Katy's talking about losing her love and me and Marcus have never even done more than a peck on cheek, but even that was given in a completely platonic matter, it still makes me think of him every time I hear it. Even though it was him who decided to stop being friends, I feel guilty for not trying harder to get him back.

I mean I tried but...I guess I could have tried a little harder and longer.

I sigh and start changing. I put on a plain, black, v neck sweater, jeans, and converse. I put my hair in a braid over my shoulder and put on my glasses. No beanie today. I get my new plain neon blue backpack and my new book, 'Dracula, My Love', and go down stairs.

Halfway down the stairs I smell eggs and bacon. I scrunch my nose up in disgust, with me being a vegetarian.

When I get down stairs, Paul and Lilly come racing down the stairs. "Move!" they yell at me and push me out of the way, nearly making me knock over a picture of Stella and her brother, Steve.

"What the hell?" I yell.

" We're hungry!" they yell back, still running towards the kitchen.

When I get to the kitchen, they're stuffing their faces.

"Wow, for a girl as thin as you, you eat like a pig," I say to Lilly with a look of disgust, wondering how she can eat that.

She smiled with her mouth full, mocking me. I make gagging noises as I make my way over to the table. I hit Paul on the side of the head as I walk past him. "That's for pushing me, you prick," I say.

Stella hands me my plate of homemade oatmeal mixed with berries and peanut butter. "I suck at raising kids," she mumbles to herself and shaking her head.

"Your just realizing this?" all three of us say.

She gives us an offended look and says, "At least I remember to feed you, and don't beat you...even though I should," she says the last part to herself.

The Weird Confessions of Jessica DarlingWhere stories live. Discover now