Help (Chapter 1)

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As far as I can remember I've never really been your typical girl, I've always been the one with nearly no friends or the alternative looking one, with my turquoise and pink hair and some piercings I was always the outcast.

I never really went out, I didn't really enjoy socialising, i was always scared that people were constantly judging or watching me, I only went out to work at my local music shop or to see my boyfriend, sure he was a little possessive and had his nasty comments but I loved him, didn't i...

I was sat at the front desk in the music shop where the till was when I herd a buzzing sound, I picked my phone up off of the table and look at the screen and of course it was Lewis, I was greeted with a 'WHERE THE FUCK ARE YOU'

'Im at work trying to pay of all of the debt that you've got us in' i said in a smallish voice

I looked at my coworker and I signalled to the back of the music shop were all the stock was I just let out a small sigh and nodded, I ran into the back of the store and he belted through the receiver 'DID I ASK YOU TO AWSER ME BACK YOU LITTLE SLAG, YOUR PROBABLY IN THE BACK GIVING A HOBO A BLOW JOB'

I Took the phone away from my ear, hung up and started crying, I didn't realise it had been about twenty minuets since I talked to him when I herd the back door open and stood there was Lewis, I tried to run away when suddenly I felt this throbbing pain I the back of my leg, he'd kicked me, no no no he loves me he wouldn't kick me, this is all wrong he would do that would he.

I got up off the floor and ran out of the front of the shop when Lewis shouted at me 'COME BACK YOU LITTLE BITCH' I felt a sharp pain in my head, he threw a rock at me, I turned around to see Lewis running at me, I just started running when I ran into someone, it hurts I looked up to see a strong muscular body standing above me.'Umm hey, sorry i didn't mean to bump into you like that'

I turn around to see Lewis running out to the front of the mall with his car keys and mine in his hand, I begin to think how we got into this mess, he was so loving in the beginning, he'd give me cuddles and make me breakfast in bed and it was just so perfect I loved him. did I still love him?

I get out of my weird thoughts and shake it off,

"Hello? did you hear me are you okay Thant must of hurt"he said

I couldn't say anything all I could think about was how perfect he was and how imperfect I was, from this dark hair all the way to the bottom of his skinny legs he was perfect, NO NO NO I WASNT MENT TO THINK LIKE THIS IM IN LOVE WITH LEWIS!

"Um sorry no I didn't hear you I was in my own world sorry"

'its okay, you look like you could do with a cup of coffee, do you wanna go and grab one?' he asked, he had a thick American accent, which was unusual in the little town of Melton Mowbray,

'i cant I've really got to get back to work,maybe some other time ' my boss came up behind me and gave me the apologetic look,'take some time off, have the week of, get some rest and sort it out' i nodd and he walks back to the small music shop.

'hey I'm Austin, so how about that coffee?'

'Umm yeah sure, I'm Lysander' i lead Austin round to the local coffee shop in the mall, a small coffee shop call Off the beaten path,

'that's a really pretty name, matches your face' he lifted his arm up and rubbed the back of his neck, i could tell he was nervous,i give him a little smile back and we carry on walking, we entered the small coffee shop it was covered in a cream coloured wall paper with some red wall paper on the other wall, we walked up to the small couter placed on the right hand side of the café 'hey, how can i help you' the petite server asked

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