chapter (3)

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It has been three weeks since Emir's return and zeynep is still none the wiser. Her family was successful in keeping it from her. She was busy with school but she did notice her mother's weird behavior sometimes but she didn't ask.

By the End of the school day she was standing outside of the school saying goodbye to her students and then suddenly the hairs on the back of her head raised. It was a weird feeling. she felt like she was being watched . Just when she was about to look at the source of her uneasiness she heard her name being called and she turned to find Bulut coming to her. A wide smile took over her face and she moved meeting him half way and they huged.
"What are you doing here" Zeynep said happily .
"I finished my work early and thought about surprising you and take you to dinner,  what do you think?" Bulut suggested.
"Well Mr. Giray . I think you have the best ideas, I missed lunch so I'm so hungry"
"Good thing I came into your rescue then.. I can't leave my love hungry.. shall we go?" He said stretching his hand for her to take .. Zeynep took his hand and replied happily "lead the way".

They were walking towards Bulut's car hand in hand, laughing unaware of the fact that someone was watching  them from a distance.

Just on the other side of the street Emir was sitting on the back set of his car watching.
Different emotions run through his head. He had asked one of his men earlier that day to bring him a detailed information about the Soydere family. That's why he was parked here right now like a stalker. Harshly he ordered his driver to take him home.

After having an early dinner with Bulut, Zeynep went back home, she found her family sitting around the table having dinner. Her mother invited her over but she declined and told them that she had already ate with Bulut.
"That boy is so engrossed by you Zeynep .. don't lose him" her mother told her.
Zeynep not so subtly rolled her eyes and said "Uff.. Mom stop pressuring me about Bulut. We will take the next step in our relationship when we are ready"

"My girl we just want you to be happy with Bulut and make a family I want to see your kids" Zeynep stiffened at the mention of kids because she always remembers Poyraz and subsequently Emir and and all the pain.. she shoke her head cutting her line of thinking and asked where Deniz is. She's used to play with her a little bit befor bed.

Zeynep went to Deniz room leaving her mother and brother in the living room.

"Mom stop gushing over her relationship with Bulut you're suffocating her and you know what happens when we suffocate Zeynep" Kemal said knownly.

"I just want her to marry Bulut already I don't want her leading that boy on and now that Emir is back I'm worried he'll make her fall into his trap again" His mother said worriedly.

"Don't worry mother. Zeynep learned her lesson, she won't make the same mistakes again besides she seems happy with Bulut. He's a good man and a very good friend of mine so don't worry about them"
"I'm just worried that she'll get a weird thoughts about that man when she knows"

"Knows what ?? Were you talking about me?? " Zeynep said suspiciously standing in the entrance of the living room.
Kemal and his mother froze, then Kemal composed himself quickly and said "No sweatheart we were talking about something else, you can go to bed now if you want I'll help mom with the cleaning" Zeynep noded and bade them good night, leaving them alone.

"That was close, what if she heard us"
"What if she does. We can't hide it from her for long, she'll find out eventually. I'm not sure how she'll react. but I'm sure of one thing. I won't let that filth coming anywhere near Zeynep or Deniz" Kemal vowed.


Emir's mother was talking with the new staff of servants, telling them what Emir likes and dislikes. Then she went looking for her son and found him sitting alone in the darkness of his home office drinking . A sad, lost look was on his face. And seemed to be deep in thoughts. Emir spent the last five years grieving Nihan's death.

He thought a lot about what if he'd made different choices in life? what if he hadn't helped his sister escape the mental hospital? what if he had let Nihan go to live her life however she wanted even if it was with Kemal? What if he hadn't been this hard of a man? Maybe then Nihan would've been alive right now. Maybe Poyraz would've been alive too, and Zeynep wouldn't have hated him so much, seeing her today gave him mixed feelings he didn't expect to feel them. He missed her. He missed her love. Living in the dark for along time made him crave for some love, some light. But he knows that Zeynep doesn't love him anymore. She had completely forgotten about him and that was confirmed when he saw her with that man today.They seemed close and happy.

When he first arrived at the school and saw her talking and laughing with kids his breathes catched, she looked different. Her hair was longer and she looked healther and stronger. In spite of him his little one had gotten her life together. She was the strongest women he has ever Known and he missed her. Of course he won't admit that to anyone even to himself after all he was still the erogent, stubborn Emir who doesn't admit his feelings easly at least not when they concern Zeynep.
He noticed that zeynep suddenly tensed from a far and she started looking left and right like she felt she was being watched. May be he didn't lose her completely maybe she's still able to feel his presence. His heart hammered in anticipation and just then a voice called her name and she turned to the source of the voice smiling happily. A man approached her and she met him half way and hugged the man whose seemed to be more than just her friend. His little one was looking at someone else the same way she used to look at him.
He couldn't take it anymore and asked his driver to move.
Emir didn't understand himself, why did he go to her in the first place?  Why did her even care. He made a choice in prison that he'll never let anyone into his heart after Nihan. But Zeynep was his, she was his wife, she was HIS. She should have stayed that way. But who's he kidding, he almost burned her alive for God's sake.
Yes Emir can admit that it wasn't his best ideas or his brightest moments back then. If he could go back in time he wouldn't do it . But it's too late now. What he did was irredeemable.

His mother sat beside him looking at him with a broken heart, her beautiful boy suffered too much. Both of her children have suffered. Asu was in the mental hospital under a very tight guarding, Emir was lost more than ever. She hoped the prison will soften him a little bit but prisons doesn't soften people. They made them even sharper and harder. For Emir it was the other way around he lost some of his sharp edges in prison. Being isolated from the outside world changed his perspective on things. He became calmer and more focused.

"Son.. What's wrong.why are you drinking at this hour of the day? Does your legs hurt? Are you hungry? Do you need anything?"
Emir looked ar her with a sarcastic smile "What wrong with you mother? living in the elderly women center made you one of these poor neighborhood's women. What's next are you going to spoon feed me too?"

"Don't talk to me like that I'm you mother, of course I'll worry about you and if necessary I'll spoon feed you too" Emir looked at her nonchalantly and then he went back to his drinking.
Müjgan trying to make a conversation asked him about his day and he told her that soon he'll get his company back. He was also thinking about making a party to make his presence known for everyone in this city.

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