Chapter (16)

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Emir was sitting in his office leaning on the back of the sofa and his legs were on the table in front of him. He wasn't drinking this time because he was in a good mode. His phone rang. He smiled and opened the line.

"It's about time Kucugum" Emir replied cheerily.

"Emir Kozcuoglu??" A male voice answered him. Emir sat straight and growled at the man

"Who are you and what are you doing with Zeynep's phone?"


(4 hours earlier)

Zeynep left Bulut's house sad and lost. She didn't want to go home so she walked a little. She kept walking till the sun set. She was about to take a taxi when she saw a bar on the other side of the street. Zeynep wasn't the drinking type but to hell with it. Her life was destroyed and she doesn't give a damn.

She went inside and asked the barman to give her his strongest stuff. The barman looked at her and knew that she's not a bar girl. She doesn't even know what to order apperantly she's not a drinker either. So he gave her a lighter drink. By the end of her second drink she was already wasted.

The barman basically knew the whole story of her life. He was sitting in front of her listening to her chatting his ears off.
"Now tell me brother. What shu...should I do now?" Zeynep was talking sluggishly.

"I think you need another drink"

"Ahhhhh bro. Good answer give me that another drink. Come oooon"

"I'll give it to you but please lower your voice"

"Why? do you have a sleeping baby behind the counter? Hahahaha" She was laughing at her own silly joke.

The barman found her really cute
But she really needs to go home.
"Listen Zeynep do you have anyone I can call so they can come and take you?"

"Ummm? I have of course, I have a brother, a mother , a cute little niece, a fiancé... Oops an ex fiancé. And an ex but not so ex husband" She explained.

"O..kay give me your husband's number"

"I don't have his number. He calls me I never call him"

"Okay we can call his number back"

"ahhhha you're a smart man, let's call him and ask him to give us his number"

The barman was used to drunk people but this one was testing his patience.
"Just give me the phone" The poor man called Emir's number. When Emir answered. The bar man asked

"Emir Kozcuoglu?"


Emir couldn't believe it. Zeynep in a bar? Drinking? The barman explained the situation and Emir could hear Zeynep chanting in the background then Zeynep took the phone from the man and Emir heard her telling the poor man to not touch her phone.

"Ohhhh Emir. This man asked for your number so I told him we should call you and ask for it. Now give us your number?" Emir took a deep breath and sigh. Ah Zeynep.

"Zeynep listen to me stay where you are I'm coming to get you okay?"

"Nooo I don't want to see your face. I hate you"

"Alright you can hate me later, now stay where you are and give the phone to the barman"

"Don't tell me what to do"

"ZEYNEP" Emir screamed at her.

"FINE" She screamed back.

She gave the man her phone but Emir heard her mumbling something about him being a stupid control freak. Emir took the address and told the man to keep an eye on her till he arrives. And stop serving her drinks.

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