•~H.G. x Reader #2: Staying Close~•

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Hey guys! I'll be taking requests after this one, it's gonna be a bit shorter than the last one. Hopefully this won't be as weird I guess lmao enjoy! This will have OCs that are not relevant to the story.

H.G. x Reader: Staying Close
y/e/c- your eye color
y/h/c- your hair color
y/n- your name
y/l/n- your last name
y/h- your house
y/r/h your rival house

Prompt: Today is Valentine's Day and your girlfriend, Hermione, is being more clingy and affectionate than usual.

"You playing in the match today Y/n? We really need you in order to beat y/r/h

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"You playing in the match today Y/n? We really need you in order to beat y/r/h. You're the best goal keeper in Hogwarts." said Hannah Smith, the star seeker on y/h's team.

"Yes in fact I can. I don't know if Hermione will let me play though. She hates to see me get hurt." You replied in a mournful tone.

"You guys are just too cute. I don't know how you do it." exclaimed your best friend, Evan Dragonettie, another player on the quidditch team. He continued, "Oi isn't the Valentines Ball tonight?"

"Yes, I completely forgot!! I don't know what to wear!!" Hannah whined as a girl who was much, much shorter than you came into view.

"Happy Valentine's Day Y/n!" Hermione said running up to you, beaming at her gorgeous/handsome lover. She leapt into your arms, planting a soft kiss on your cheek as she laced her arms around your neck and her legs around your waist.

"Hey 'Mione! Happy Valentine's Day to you too!" You sighed as you held her close, taking in the aura around her.

"Hey Hannah, Hey Evan! Where are you guys going!?" She laughed, but a smug smile dashed across her face.

"Potions with Slughorn...the horror! By the way Y/n, can I sit next to you today in class? I need help with learning the formulas." Evan asked politely. You noticed that he's been doing poorly in potions and felt bad.

"Yeah of course, anything. I'll be-" You replied, but got cut off by Hermione.

"Why can't Y/n help you after class or in the common room? You're all in y/h. I don't understand why it's so urgent." Hermione huffed, to your surprise she started making out with you to send him a message of "she's all mine fucker"

"Blimey Granger, I'm failing the class! That's what's urgent." Evan snapped back, obviously annoyed.

"Guys guys...calm it, There is no need for this." You said sternly, giving a glare to your girlfriend which caused the young witch to look in the other direction.

Since all of you had potions together you carried her the whole way there, peppering her with kisses and nuzzles in means of cheering her up. You felt the eyes of other students judging the two of you, but you didn't care.
Slughorn's lesson was quite interesting, due to the fact it was about love potions and why theyre known to be some of the most dangerous. Every single question he asked, Hermione's hand shot straight up and answered with a heavy blush across her face. Her speech was a bit shaky but you could tell that she was trying to impress you. During the writing portion on class she finished her essay early only for one reason. To watch you think and choose your words carefully. She loved the way you wrote letters and papers. She always told you how much heart and character you put in to it. You heard her sigh while she searched for your hand under the desks. Hermione took it, and held it tight as to signal you're doing great Y/n! Keep going your essay is beautifully crafted. Your breath hitched as she did so, causing a couple kids around to look up, then look down back at their parchment.
*bell chimes*
"Alright class quills down! Hand in your essays on the lesson today. They will be marked, but it will not be put on record! That doesn't mean that you don't have to put in the right amount of effort."

"Done! Just in time!" You said with a sigh.

"Ah Mr./Ms. Y/l/n I'm expecting an amazing piece from you. I hope you did me proud. Also meet me in my office after classes, you're not in trouble." He smiled.

"Thank you. You're an amazing teacher, it's all your doing!" You said as you walked out, Hermione running after you yelling out your name.

"Y/n! Y/n wait up!!"

"Granger Danger we don't have class together until Dark Arts. Don't you have something like really important at the moment? I have a double off period, I need to use it for...studying. "

"Thing is love, I really need you...I want to spend every moment with you." She started to lean up to kiss your neck softly and repeatedly.
"Can't we sneak off to the Room of Requirement and you know..." She pulled back and continued with a hitch in her voice,
"Every moment not with you in my book, is wasted." She stood on her tippy toes to plant a kiss on your lips. You pulled away to say,

"Hermione, you know I can't do that. But if you want I can walk you to your class."

"Please? Will you?" She looked up at you with tears in her eyes as she latched on to your arm, her grip unrelenting.

"Yes yes of course. Cmon now let's get a move on."

• • •

You dropped Hermione off at her class and she met up with Harry and Ron, who you waved at. You did go to the library, studied for one period and drafted a note for your girlfriend, asking her to the ball. It was a given but you thought you needed to anyway.

In Advanced Astronomy

"Harry...do you have your invisibility cloak and the map with you?"

"Yes, but why do you need them."

"I need...to get into the...restricted section." Hermione blushed, and the fact the she sucked at lying made it worse.

"I swear if you're gonna go stalk Y/n again..."

"No I don't trust him/her/them alone, in the restricted section. For two periods."

"That's reasonable enough. Fine after class gets called."

"Thank you Harry! You're a great friend!"

"Yeah Yeah save it."

Restricted Section, After Astronomy.

"Okay almost done with the note-" You said to yourself, the only thing left was to reread it.
You heard footsteps and turned around to find no one.
"Who's there? I swear if this is some stupid joke I will bash your skull against these desks." You sneered, hoping to scare away whoever or whatever created the sounds. You saw something sway out of the corner of your eye, almost as if someone was using the cloak of invisibility.

"Hermione I swear. If your spying on me again-"

"Yes okay I was. Please don't be mad. I just didn't feel comfortable with you all alone. I thought you were going to meet up with someone...someone else." She lifted the cloak off of her head, tears forming in her eyes.

"'Mione, why on earth would I leave you for someone else. You're the most amazing, caring, and loving girl in the world. Why would I leave you..."

"Because...because.." she started to sob, you fearing the worst took the girl into your embrace, calming her down while running your fingers through her brunette locks.

"Chérie, what's eating at you..." you said soothingly, as the girls cries settled down she continued,

"I feared that you'd leave me because you're of famous pureblood decent, you're the y/h Prefect and finally, due to the fact my parents are both muggles."

"Oh no no no...you've got it all wrong. I don't care about my lineage nor about my social status. I could care less about labels. When I look at you Hermione I see a smart girl who knows what she wants; from people and from life. I love you so much, so much that you can't begin to comprehend the amount of love I feel for you. I'd be willing to give anything to see you every day. I'd be willing to do anything for you. Even die for you Hermione Granger. Now those reasons are stupid, and for someone so intelligent you act very unintelligent at times as well."

You pulled the girl in for a quick kiss in which she gratefully accepted.

"I love you Y/n Y/l/n"

"I love you too...Hermione Granger...Keep up this needy act, it makes me feel like i have a purpose."

"Oh shut up you bloke."

A/N~ Hopefully that was good, i actually have two other ideas for stories so those are coming soon!

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