Marik's Birthday

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"Bakura?" Marik slid up next to the albino, thin hands clasping over Bakura's right hand. "Today is, just to let you know, my birthday."

"Oh, really?" he said, not sounding interested. "That's. . .nice."

"Yea. You're supposed to do something nice now."

Huffing, Bakura twisted his body, landing a peck on Marik's brown cheek. "There. Happy now?"

"Absolutely." Marik shifted, back pressing into Bakura's arm. "Thank you."

"Anytime, Marik," Bakura said, looping his leaned-on arm around the other's chest. "Happy birthday."


I wrote this last night while I was exhausted, 'cause I had to do something for Marik's birthday. Therefore, it's super short (Sorry guys).

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