Thiefshipping Questionnaire

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I'm doing a send a ship meme on Tumblr--you send a ship and I fill out these questions

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I'm doing a send a ship meme on Tumblr--you send a ship and I fill out these questions. @RoseDoesFanFictions wanted Thiefshipping (my OTP), so here's the filled ask~!

Who is a night owl:
Malik–he's afraid of the dark, so he tends to turn lots of lights on and stay up late, sleeping mostly in the day.

Who is a morning person:
Neither one of them. Bakura is grumpy, and Malik is usually asleep.

Are they cuddlers:
Sometimes. Not often. However, when they do cuddle, they both wonder why they don't do it more often.

Who is the big spoon:

Who is the little spoon:

What is their favourite sleeping position:
Facing into each other, tangled in arms and love and sleepiness.

Who steals all the blankets:
Bakura, just to spite Malik. He also hides them, to force Malik to go looking for them.

What they wear to bed:
Bakura wears whatever he was during the day, Malik wears a large, loose shirt and shorts.

Who likes seeing the other wearing their t-shirt:
Bakura would love to see Malik in his shirts, if they weren't too small for him, that is. Malik doesn't really care what Bakura wears–the only fashion he cares about is his own.

Who falls asleep mid-conversation:
Bakura does, since he loses interest quite easily in anything "not important." Malik's faked doing this to Bakura several times, just to get him back, though.

Who wakes up in the middle of the night with nightmares:
Malik does, though he tries not to bother Bakura withit, which pisses Bakura off. There have been a few occasions where Bakura's had dreams about Kul Elna and woken Malik up, though.

Who accidentally punched the other in their sleep:
Malik is quite the active sleeper, though he's only accidentally punched Bakura in his sleep once. Bakura's never punched him accidentally in his sleep.

Who can't keep their hands to themself:
Bakura. He especially is touchy in public places and when the other Ishtars are around, as if to claim Malik as his own. It really pisses Malik off.Who said "I love you" first:
Malik, because Bakura didn't even realise what he was feeling till Malik shoved it in his face.

Who would have the other's picture as their phone background:
Bakura does. He also makes sure Malik doesn't know that.

Who leaves notes written in fog on the bathroom mirror:
Malik does, but only when he's in a rush. He usually leaves detailed lists on the counter.

Who buys the other cheesy gifts:
Bakura, because he thinks it's fun to see Malik actually get excited over cheap Lucky Cats phone charms and things, since he's a foreigner and all.

Who initiated the first kiss:
Malik, pretty quickly. It got fairly out of hand from there...

Who kisses the other awake in the morning:
Bakura, but very rarely. He doesn't want to be too clingy, like Mariku and Ryou.

Who starts tickle fights:
Malik does, to get out any stress he has. And Bakura is very ticklish, so it's fun to watch him die from laughter while at the same time trying to kill Malik.

Who asks who if they can join the other in the shower:
Bakura. Malik always says no.

Who surprises the other in the middle of the day at work with lunch:
Bakura does, but he sends it through someone else, so that Malik won't have to know he cares.

Who was nervous and shy on the first date:
Neither one of them were. The closest thing to nervousness either one of them experienced was when a police officer showed up in the restaurant they were dining at.

Who kills/takes out the spiders:
They both kill them instantly. Bakura doesn't believe in mercy and Malik doesn't believe in the Spiders' Lives Matter Movement. (that's not a real thing–I just made that up, so you know.)

Who loudly proclaims their love when they're drunk:
Both of them. It's quite gross to see them screaming their love at each other from across the bar.

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