Chapter Ten

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"[...] Love is just stumbling through life with your best friend."

I wake up feeling colder than I did when I fell asleep and realize there's something missing. Ed who was pressed against my back with his arms around me seems to be gone when I turn on my back, letting my arm lay on his side of the bed that seems empty. I frown, still half asleep as I wonder where did he disappear to without me noticing.

Suddenly I feel a hand in mine and blink my eyes open to see him sitting on the edge of the bed, lacing our fingers together. "I'm here." He says quietly and I sit up.

"Why?" I ask him, running my free hand over my face. "Why are you up? Is something bothering you?"

"No. I'm just thinking." He whispers before laying back, resting his head on my thigh and lifting our interlocked hands on his stomach.

"About what?" I ask him, softly running my fingers through his hair.

"Everything..." He mumbles.

"That's an awful lot to think about." I point out quietly and he lets out a short laugh. "Why are we whispering?" I ask then and he looks up at me.

"Because it's the middle of the night." He replies, still just as quietly.

"We live here alone, Ed. We get to talk in the middle of the night if we want." I say. "We can jump on the bed or do whatever we want."

"I thought you were tired?" He says and I roll my eyes.

"Well, I'm not anymore and I'm certainly not gonna go back to sleep and leave you to think about everything alone." I say before letting go of him and sliding off the bed. "Come on, let's make some tea."

"It's three o'clock in the morning." He says but that doesn't sound like an arguement, especially since he follows me anyway so I just smile and go put the kettle on.

AN: Hey, sorry for being MIA for a while, I'm really busy at the moment so here's a short ending. Told ya this story would be a short thingy. So I don't know if I currently have time for a new fic but I definitely got some ideas. For future updates etc I suggest you follow me here and/or my Instagram cityofgctham :) Thanks for everyone who has read and enjoyed, love ya!

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