Chapter 5

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"So, how's the book coming along?" Jamie asked with a grin as he sat at their table, bringing a couple more drinks. Charlotte would have gone fetch them, but last time she made a fool of herself, stammering in front of Cayden, and she preferred not to remind him how awkward she was.

Even though, she hadn't thought much about her handsome bartender lately, she had to admit. It was her lovely scientist instead to be crowding her mind more and more. Charlotte kept regretting her decision, yet she still never backed down.

Fuck buddies, she'd called it. Not even friends with benefits, because then there would be too much sentiment. Fuck buddies. It was an awful, awful decision, she knew, yet she still didn't find the courage to end it once and for all. It was the only answer to her dilemma, Charlotte was sure, but in the end, it would bring nothing good.

Sending a dirty look to her best friend, she grabbed her drink, and chugged it down in one go, which had him chuckle. "I suppose that answers it, huh?"

She reached out for his, and chugged it down as well. "Don't count me out just yet. I'm on it." She claimed. She'd written a chapter, that was something. whether it was good or not, she couldn't tell. It was true that she seemed more inspired, though. It was something Cameron had said: "Don't go looking for perfection. It's a love story. Find something that inspires you, and write around it."

Not something. Someone. It was easier to write romance once the oh, so perfect hero had been given a face. Charlotte knew it was an awful sign, but so what if her male lead character was inspired to Cameron himself? He was great material.

Handsome enough not to be ignored, yet not smug; clever and cultured yet also funny. He was the perfect man. Well, he would be once the writer had finished crafting his perfect features. After all, wasn't that what authors did? Make perfection out of nothing? She'd been given every ingredient, it was her job to work out the recipe.

Besides, he was a religious scientist! It was a trope how many authors had tackled yet? And in romance? How many romance authors had thought of a scientist that was also a sheer believer? Charlotte smirked at Jamie. He wouldn't know what hit him, ha!

"Sure, sure ..." Jamie scoffed, taking a handful of chips to make up for the lost drink. "Meanwhile, how about you practice your speech by going to order another shot? Since you just stole mine."

Charlotte gulped, and instinctively eyed the counter, where Cayden was busy as always. She blushed at the mere thought of facing him. Maybe Cameron crowded her thoughts, but it was also true that she still liked Cayden, more than a bit. "You think I can't do that?" She taunted, trying to appear bolder than she felt.

Jamie scoffed. "It took you four months to make a move on me, Charlie. And it's been six months, yet the most you've told Cayden is hi and goodnight." He laughed. "I love you, babe, but you're really a disaster with guys."

She snorted, badly needing another drink. "Yet I score every time, don't I?"

"You don't 'score', Charlie. You just take home the first idiot that drools over you."

"I don't. I-"

"Ok, say, when's the last time you've been satisfied, really satisfied in bed?"

She bit her lip. Nope, she hadn't told Jamie about Cameron. "Well-"

"And when's the last time you've had an actual relationship? After me, that is."

"Well, I ... I've been busy. And you know I'm just ... pausing that side of things for a while ..."

"We broke up 7 years ago, Charlie. Seven. After that, you've only had flings." He pointed out, now serious. She'd take it as the umpteenth scolding round, but he was only doing it for her own good. It was what these nights out just the two of them were for, opposite to what his boyfriend may think. For being so handsome, Connor sure was insecure. He always implied Jamie spent so much time with Charlotte because, in the end, there still was something left between them.

A Writer's Love - Perfect Strangers Series #1Where stories live. Discover now