Chapter Two

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East High
Albuquerque, New Mexico

   I hopped off my motorbike, not in any rush at all. I walked along the side walk, smoothly passing the jocks and their cheerleader girlfriends. God, they disgust me. Their smell makes me want to vomit. Ew!
"Ryan!" Some girls called out to me, waving and gigging. I waved back halfheartedly. I practically basked in the morning light, waiting to see if I could spot Alana from the base of the front steps to the school.
"Stop being suck a jerk, Adrien!" A familiar voice said briskly. It was feminine and heating up with anger. I  followed the sound of the voice, leading me to find Alana and her brother. "If you would stop waking up so late maybe I wouldn't be in such a bad mood!"
"Hey, sis, calm down. Does it really matter?" Adrien asked, running his fingers through his honey blonde hair.
"Apparently not for you." Alana rolled her eyes. She stood not too far in front of me wearing a white crop top and jeans with her brother's black jersey jacket in her arms. It had his monogram ACM on the left; that was also their father's monogram, too. Adrien Chase Mason. Alana's, however, was AGM - Alana Grace Mason.
"Lana, you don't always have to be the first one at school." Adrien replied sarcastically.
"But I don't want to be the last one. If I'm late, I won't get into Harvard or Yale or Julliard!"
   I had to laugh. I always loved to see Alana and Adrien argue, it was the highlight of my day back in elementary school.
   Alana shook her head at her brother and trudged up the stairs. I followed behind her and swung myself in front of her, stopping Alana in her tracks as she walked down the main hallway.
   She looked up, a smile suddenly poked at the corners of her mouth. I saw her black rimmed glasses perched on the bridge of her nose. Alana hasn't worn her glasses since fifth grade. Sharpay did research on her yesterday, seeing that Alana competed in the California scholastic decathlon in tenth grade. She wasn't wearing her glasses. She must have gotten contacts.
"Hey. Wow, nice hat. Looks good on you." Alana commented on my white newspaper boy hat. I grinned, grabbing her hand and leading her out of the way.
   Troy Bolton, the star basketball player, and his gang of rowdy friends and the cheerleaders came walking down the hall. I couldn't have Alana get into that mess.
"Who was that?" She asked, noticing Troy and his best friend Chad Danforth. I paused, staring at the boys, mustering up all of my disgust for those boys. Dimwitted, immature animals. That's all I have to say.
"Oh, that's Troy. The star player on the basketball team and the coaches son."
"He's cute, but I'm not into jocks. And he needs a haircut badly." Alana made a disgusted face. I smiled. I don't want to have to confront Troy about Alana and needing to stay away from her, because she's mine and only mine. Luckily, I don't have to.
   I haven't really talked to Alana since the New Year's Eve party, which was only two days ago, but after I told her I loved her, she seemed pretty awkward around me for the rest of that night.
"Ryan!" I heard Troy call my name. I turned my head, watching the lanky boy and his crew come back down the hallway. I rolled my eyes.
"They know you, too?" Alana raised an eyebrow. I crossed my arms.
"Not really."
"Who's the girl? I never seen her around before. Is she new?" Troy Bolton asked.
"Alana Mason. She's my friend who just so happens to be new." I said plainly. Alana stood quietly beside me. 
"When did you meet her? This morning?" Chad laughed. The other guys laughed.
   I rolled my eyes at Chad's so-called "humorous" comment and tried to look intimidating. The jocks rule most of the school, I know that already, so if I got myself in a fight with them, I would be the laughing stock of East High. But, of course, my twin sister Sharpay would sue them if she found out about it.
   I was about to say something when Alana spoke for me. "Since kindergarten, so you can just shut up. He's my best friend."
"How adorable. Well, you two have fun." Troy scoffed, taking off down the hallway.
   Alana and I stood in silence for a few minutes with me leaning seductively against the wall. Things became really awkward. "I had a lot of fun the other night."
"Me too." I smiled. "Me too, Princess. What was your favorite part?"
   Alana blushed, shrugging. "The fireworks. And you?"
   I nodded. "I'd say that's my favorite part too. Although teaching you to waltz was pretty fun. My toes still hurt."
"I'm sorry."
"Don't be, Princess. I don't really mind, just as long as you had fun."
   I took her hand and we danced a few steps, mimicking the dance from two nights ago. I smirked at her, twirling her around and bringing her back to me. She laughed, stumbling a little bit in her movement. I brought her to my face.
"We should do this more often." I said.
"As long as I don't fall." Alana loosed her grip in my hands.
"I'll be there to catch you."
"Where's your homeroom?"
"Just down the hall. Why? We have time."
I allowed Alana to stand on my feet as we danced a little more in the corridor.
   Sharpay was calling for me shortly after we started. Alana got off my feet, glancing at my sister before I left her alone in the hallway. I felt guilty, but I knew how much Sharpay doesn't like Alana, and if I brought her along, my sister would throw a fit. I can't have that.
"Bye, Lana." I smiled softly at my best friend.

I took my seat in homeroom, glad to be back in my spot in the class. I waited for the final bell to ring, and watched as some of the other kids filed into the room. Two girls, entered at the same time, handing Ms. Darbus papers and taking the last two empty seats. In the last row, second seat, I admired the girl and her black jersey style jacket.
"I didn't know you have Ms. Darbus for homeroom." I said to her.
"I never for to look at my schedule. You stopped me in the hall. Does that ring a bell?" Alana crossed her legs, raising an eyebrow at me. I nodded.
   Sharpay looked at me with a furious expression and enraged eyes. I straighted myself in my seat, sighing exasperatingly. She then glared at Alana.

   It was lunchtime, and Alana was nowhere to be seen. Where is she?
   I was starting to get worried. Then, I spotted her with another new girl, Gabriella Montez. She sat at a table with the brainiacs, but I decided not to stop to talk to her. I can't break the status quo.
   From my usual table with my sister and our pianist Kelsi, I watched Alana get herself acquainted with the other smart kids. She was talking to one of the boys, I don't even know his name, when I started going into a fit of jealousy. I angrily chewed my apple.
"What's wrong?" Kelsi asked quietly. I didn't look at her. I continued to watch Alana.
"An old friend of mine is talking to another guy that's not me."
"You should let her have some freedom. She doesn't need to be around you 24/7, Ryan."
I stood up just as Alana did and went down the stairs two at a time to catch up with her. I pulled her shoulder and she spun around to face me.
"Hey Ryan."
"Hey. Who was that boy you were talking to?" I frowned, crossing my arms.
   She sighed. "Listen, we're not dating, so there is no reason why you should be jealous."
   Yeah, ok. Can't a guy just figure out who his girl is talking to? I don't her getting other thoughts about what we could be, then leaving me for another guy. She's the only girl I ever loved.
"His name is Chris. He's nice and smart." She shrugged. Alana frowned at me. "Oh, don't look at me like that, Ryan Evans." I was pouting.
   She gave me a hug then ruffled my hair, walking away with her new friends. I came up beside her, offering to walk her to her chemistry class. Alana politely refused, saying that my next class was all the way at the other end of the hall. (We exchanged schedules in homeroom this morning.)
"You're sweet, but you don't have to do this. I don't need an escort to my every class."
   I knew that Alana wanted me to leave, I could see it in her eyes that she was getting annoyed with me, but I didn't want to leave. She's the prettiest girl I know at East High, and I have to make sure that Alana is mine and mine only.
   If only she knew how much I love her...How much she means to me...

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