5. Old friends (Madara)

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"Ah, Madara-kun that attire! Perrrrrfect for the celebration..."

a slender woman with pitch black short hair approached Madara while he was trying on the prestigious  black, red and golden wafuku kimono.

She locked the door behind her

"The one and only Lord Madara"

She approached him in a very sensual manner, her pitch black eyes locked with his.

"What do you want Shikihara?"

"Awwww I can't just drop by and visit a dear old friend?" Shikihara gave him a sly smile.

"Not when your name is Shikihara, now what do you want?"

Madara looked pleased at the outfit, he was modeling a few different ones in the mirror for over an hour, each were cool in their own way but this one spoke to him.

The outer kimono was pitch black to represent him as the leader, the gold means supremacy and the red represents the uchiha clan, the crests on each breast were outlined in gold.

Tobirama picked out the designs, it was weird to him. He claimed he picked out all the kimonos and Hashirama didn't help one bit but how does he know the tastes of his nemesis?

He was in deep thought.

Behind him Shikihara sat down on the table where the kimonos were placed, her right hand cupped her cheeks as she watched the Adonis.

Her olive skin glowed in the sunlight coming through the window, she bit her rosy pink lips and looked at Madara up and down.

"Shiki are you going to this festival and parade too?"

"Ah yes!" She lifted her head "the whole nara clan is going as nobles."

"You don't say?"

"I love a good festival, the village hasn't had one in soooo long."

Madara turned around facing her, listening to her go on and on about festivals, a small smile started to appear at the side of his mouth.

"And Lord Hashirama will be announcing the big news!"

"Oi? Big news?!" Madara was in shock, it's been a while since he's seen Hashirama.

Their last meeting wasn't so good either...

"The news going around is Lord Hashirama will introduce his bride to the village..."

Madaras face went blank.

"... rumors have it those ornaments being sent from the Uzumaki are brides of Hashirama, Tobirama and supposedly you."

Madara got light headed

"BRIDE?!! I want zero parts of this!!"

"Oi of course you don't, you're marrying me hmph" Madara took a double take before obnoxiously blushing he didn't even argue with the Nara girl.

He turned away and looked into the mirror once more, suddenly he wasn't in the celebrating mood.

"Do you know anymore on what's going on Shiki?"

"Shiki?" Her heart started beating at high speeds "Oi Shiki do you or do you not?"

"Uh erm well I don't know if this matters or not but the ornaments will be arriving tomorrow morning."

"Everything is so rushed.." Madara did a face palm "...get out, Shiki"

Her eyebrows furrowed "awww so mean! Why?" Madara closed his eyes.

"I am about to get undressed, get out."

She stood up & walked towards the man, his long black hair cascaded down his back. She loved it, she loved every style he pulls; Shikihara hugged him from the back.


"Speaking of getting undressed Madara"

She snapped her fingers and his eyed widened, her breasts pressed against his back, he could feel her rubbing all over him "Shiki?!"

"It's been a long time Madara, my love..." he slowly turned around to see her naked.

"I've missed you Madara."


She started taking the first black Kimono off

"I've missed you too."

The Moon Danced That Night: Madara love storyWhere stories live. Discover now