9. Siyonara (Madara)

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Give or take things were bound to take this turn.

"Madara....that's crazy talk.."

"How so Shiki?"

"To leave the village... what about your clan? What about that old man? What about me..."

He looked at the ground, they stood on the building where the villages administration was located, the sound was silent and the night was cold.

"I plan to leave everything behind."

Her dark eyes grew large with tears, pain engulfed her face.

She began to cry.

"How could you..."

He looked away

"I know this is hard bu-"

"Shut up."

He kept his eyes on the Moon.

"You're a piece of garbage, how could you!"

She struck him on the cheek.

He stood there in awe touching the pained area.

"You're so selfish! All over a stupid hat! Who cares what the villagers say! Who cares about what Tobirama says! You're doing much worse by leaving you cold hearted bastard and you don't give a damn!"

The cries of a woman...

Something so terrible, any man that causes this pain is a sinner to the highest degree.

Shiki yelled and yelled, "look at me! Look at me you bastard!" She grabbed his cheeks and pulled him close to her face.

"Tell me you're leaving, look at me and tell me you're never coming back!"

His eyebrows furrowed as he tried to get away from the seething woman.

"Say it..."
"I-I'm lea-..."
"Say it." She clenched his cheeks even harder.

"Don't call me that!" She pushes his face away and the shadows slowly started collecting around her.

"I'm leaving the village and everyone behind!"

The shadows formed a octopus like figure around her, sort of like armor with eight arms

"You basta-..."

"I'm sorry to intervene but what is going on here?"

"Mind your business you Yamananka brat!" Spat out Shikihara.

"I believe that I cannot, so Madara this is why you couldn't attend huh?" The blonde haired boy stood enveloped in the shadows, his blue eyes looked treacherous.

"Ichi! Why did you follow me?!"

"I didn't. The dinner is happening underground, right below where you two are standing. Having outstanding sensory I heard everything."

"So what are you going to do? Tell Hashirama?"

"Negative. I won't say a word."

Ichi started taking steps towards Madara "but I will say this Madara..."

Madara got tense, the mood changed, even Shiki stood defensively.

"When the time comes you will be my enemy, logically no one just leaves and does nothing. If you try to disturb the peace of this village, I promise you I will strike you down with my bare hands..."

"Like you have the guts."

"Oh I do. I realized I did when I saw onii-san's face the day after you two had that meeting, that's when I knew that you were public enemy number one..."

Madara crosses his arms "what of it you yamananka brat, none of this has anything to do with you."

Ichi was standing face to face with Madara and Shiki "anyone that makes Onii-San cry is my enemy!" A burst of air and chakra started swirling around Ichi "have you even seen his face since then? You didn't haven't you! He's been sad ever since but boosts everyone up for our sake!!"

Madara took one step back, not because he was afraid but to observe. His blonde ponytail came undone

"you never cared for anyone except yourself, that's been settled but don't you dare target this village that my onii-san swears by."

The air spun some more, his anger and pain fueling the response will trigger someone to check on the area.

"You don't have the will of fire, but by Gods hand I do!"

The floor of the roof had deep dents in them, his feet broke through the foundation, his gaze set on Shikihara "I don't know what you are planning but don't get in the middle of this, I know your type."

She snapped.

"What the hell is that supposed to mean brat!"

He started towards her, she started breathing harder and harder. The closer he stood the harder it was to breathe "it means I won't hesitate to kill you too bitch."

She held her throat trying to grasp air.


"Stand away from her."

Madara unsheathed his sword.

'This Yamananka brat. Who knew this was what he was hiding, such power.' thought Madara.

The wind subsided.

"Hey get that sword away from me! What if you cut through my irresistible charm?"

He...he's back to being a goof...

"Well I'm done here. The invitation is still open if you're willing.."

"Tch....stupid brat..."

As he spouted those words a wave of warm pain flooded his head, he grasped his head and spewd curses towards the young guy.

"Madara!" Shiki ran to his side trying to subside the pain "what did you do?!"

Ichi smiled at them "again. The invitation is still open. Siyonara!"

'you don't wanna break Onii-san's heart again do you?' The voice of Ichi replayed this message over and over again in Madara's mind, burning it onto his brain.

"Curse you Ichi!"

And just like that the boy disappeared back into the shadows.

The Moon Danced That Night: Madara love storyWhere stories live. Discover now