ch. 41 - canoe

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Gaten pulled into a parking lot and you looked forward to see life everywhere. The area was covered in plants. They covered the land and they climbed the walls. The sky was a beautiful pink and purple with a hint of orange, and if you looked far enough you could see the moon behind a faint cloud. 

"Wow.." You said as you got out of the car. 

He looked up at the sky, "I know, it's gorgeous." He said. 

You smiled. You walked over to him and put your arm around his as you walked to into the restaurant, and he made sure to hold the door open for you. 

A hostess stood in the area at the front and smiled as you walked in, "Hello." She said politely.

"Hi, I have a reservation for Matarazzo." He said. 

She looked down at a huge binder behind her podium and then smiled. She grabbed two sets of silverware and then walked towards both of you, "Right this was." She said. 

She led you to a deck outside, where you could see the perfect sky and the flowers. There was a band playing a song you didn't know, though it was beautiful. Each table had white table cloths and black seats. Wine glasses sat at each table. You both sat down and you looked at the maroon colored dishes and the black cloth napkins. It was all beautiful. 

"I can start you off with some drinks if you'd like, or would you like a minute?" She asked. 

"Umm, I'll have a sprite." He said. 

You smiled at the hostess, "I'll have a water with lemon." You said. 

She wrote both of those down on a notepad, "Alright, I'll be back in a bit to take your orders." She said. 

"Thank you." She said. 

"No problem." She said as she walked away. 

You looked back at Gaten and smiled, "This place is beautiful. You didn't have to do all this, you could've taken me to McDonalds and I would've been a happy woman." You admitted. 

"Yes, but the gorgeous view was worth it." He said. 

You looked at the area around you, "I know, it's beautiful out here." You admitted. 

"I wasn't talking about the sky." He said, you looked back and he was staring right at you.

You giggled, "That was cheesy, but I'll forgive you." You said. 

He smiled, and put his hand on top of yours over the table. 

You looked down and your smile faded slightly, "There's uh, there's actually a reason I asked you here." He admitted. 

"Oh?" You said. 

"Yeah umm..." He hesitated.

Hey guys! How did you like it?  Be sure to let me know what you think in the comments and as always, vote! I hope you all have an amazing day! Bye!

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