Chapter Five

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AN:..........hhhheeeey guys. so sorry for the long hiatus. A lotta things have come up and its made me quite busy, and also made me very depressed. But ,despite that and taking a break ,that was totally unjust to you guys, I'm ready to begin this story.However, chapters are going to be short for now until I can get into a schedule, I would love your guys support by commenting, and voting for my story. And here is Chapter Five!

Yuri was still upset about how Otabek had claimed them just friends to Viktor and Yuuri.

Viktor could see it and was already going off on Otabek. "Just friends?" his voice was low, and questioning. "Are you sure your nothing more?" Otabek looked at Viktor with a stern look, an empty stare. Yuri looked between the two, then quickly flung his shoes on feet not wanting to deal with this.

He grabbed his phone and left the apartment in a flash avoiding both the man he loved and the man who claimed himself his father. As he walked he listened to his music softly humming. Yawning he turned the corner. He didn't know where his feet were taking him, defenitly not the two places that he could call home. At a glance his emerald green eyes caught the sight of the ring. He devoted more than he could ever give to skating. And now, he was this way. A sad pathetic kid who has nothing to amount to his life.

With careful soft steps Yuri made it into the Ice rink grabbing a pair of skates from his team locker. 24-34-26 is the one combination he seemed to remember at all. Caring the Ice skates he went to the actual rink staring at it. His emerald green eyes eyed it with such defense, not wanting to get to close to it.

"I.." A huff of breath came from behind him,"Found you." Yuri looked back to see otabek standing there alone. "Don't worry Yura, I didn't bring those two."

Yuri just narrowed his eyes walking away to the bench. He sat down slipping off his normal shoes.


In the end Yuri wasn't able to put the skates on, let alone touch the rink. He was back at otabeks house listening to Viktor yell at him from far away. "You better not run away again Yuri! I'll know." Yuri ignored him, or tried to. The port cutlet bowl was also in his way of the bedroom.

"Move." Yuri signed to the piggie. "I need clean clothes." He frowned at the boy. His attidtude slowly returning.

"Yura," Otabek called out picking the small blonde up."Please be polite its only reasonable." He smiled at the boy.

This is what messed with Yuris heart. He didn't want this to happen if they were just friends. But he wasn't about to lash out at the one person he could trust.

He just nodded softly, looking away. "Please...please move," he signed not quite looking at Otabek or the others. Yuuri moved out of the way allowing the blonde to go in. Once inside he closed the door sliding down it. From where he was he could hear hushed talking followed by a farewell and a door slam.

Yuri didn't move from the stop, eyes trained on his feet. The emeraled orbs looked wet like he was about to cry, though it didn't matter much to him no body really cared.

"Yura," Otabek called from the other side of the door, after a while slowly pushing the door open. Yuris weight did nothing compared to his companion. "Yura.." He called out grabbing the small boy, bringing him into his lap. Yuri didn't react, let alone speak up as Otabek held him.

"...mggh..." Otabek looked at the blonde inquisitivly. Yuri was trying to talk, but he hadn't needed to use it so it sounded like a dying cat.

Otabek easily caught on, standing with the boy picking him up by the arm pits. "It's fine. Why don't we take a bath?"


The next chapter of After the fall will be soon. Please do hold out.

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