Chapter 1

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It was just like all the Fridays for Yoongi. He was in the library reading a random book that he picked from the shelf, he took a break from reading his favorite book 'The Fault In Our Stars' it made him emotional and he wanted to give himself a little bit of time to relax from all of the sappy romantic stuff.

He was now currently reading in the genre of horror. He liked it, it made him excited to see what was going to happen next. "No don't go into the abandoned house Mark" he whisper yelled feeling stressed for the main character Mark knowing what might happen next, he quickly closed the book not wanting to know what was going to happen next. Little did Yoongi know, he was also in for a scare- in reality.

Yoongi was completely oblivious to the vibrant red headed male in front of him, so when he lifted his head up from out of his hands he nearly let out a scream. "Oh my goodness, you nearly gave me a heart attack!" Yoongi scolded. "I'm sorry, you looked really into your book and I didn't want to bother you" said the red head. Yoongi was familiar with the red haired male, 'Taehyung was it?'. Yoongi's thoughts were soon answered when 'Taehyung' spoke out, "You're in my art class 5th period right?" Yoongi slowly nodded coming to a realization 'that's where i've seen him' he thought.

"Well I guess i'll see you later then?" Taehyung asked, Yoongi replying a small "yes" to Taehyung. After the small conversation with Taehyung, Yoongi got up and walked to his least favorite subject- Math. It wasn't that he didn't like the subject, it was just the simple fact that he rarely understood what was happening most of the time. To Yoongi's surprise the class had a substitute for the day. Yoongi mentally had a full-on party in his head. Nevertheless, he took his seat. "Class, my name is Mr.Lee. I will be taking over for Mrs.Jung for the day." Mr.Lee smiled at the classroom of high school juniors who were either paying Mr.Lee no attention, or they just smiled back.

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