Chapter 3

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After class ended Yoongi and Taehyung walked to their lockers which surprisingly weren't too far apart. Yoongi and Taehyung also lived in the same neighborhood which wasn't too far away from the school.

"You wanna walk home with me today?" Yoongi asked Taehyung. "Sure" Taehyung responded with a toothy smile. After they got all of their belongings together they walked out of school talking about how their day went. "I was so happy we had a sub for math today" Yoongi said. Taehyung responded with a face that pretty much spoke for him. "Why, I love math!" Taehyung said. Yoongi responded back "Why" in a mocking tone to Taehyung.

"I don't really know, I guess I just really like it, its in my blood" Taehyung shrugged. "Math is sooooo hard, I don't understand how you could like such a subject" Yoongi said rubbing his forehead in the process. This was really making his head hurt- a lot.
"I could help you if you want?" Taehyung asked. "Really? That would be amazing!" Yoongi beamed.

"I've been thinking Taehyung, your name is so long can I just call you 'Tae' or 'TaeTae'?" Yoongi asked seeming very frustrated but not in a serious sense. "Of course Yoongs".

They made it to Yoongi's house after walking for almost 20-30 minutes. Taehyung of course called his mom to ask if it was okay to go over to Yoongi's house which she said yes to. "Mom im home~" Yoongi yelled causing Taehyung to jump from shock.

Mrs.Min came running down the steps to greet Yoongi, not noticing the red head which stood behind him, which was frankly surprising because Yoongi was only 5'7 while Taehyung stood at a tall 5'10. Theres only 3 inches of height difference but still. How did he go unnoticed?

"Mom this is Taehyung, Taehyung this is Mom" Yoongi said introducing the two. "My, you're very handsome! Perhaps Yoongi finally brought someone home?" Mrs.Min looked to Yoongi's direction and winked causing both Yoongi and Taehyung into brigt red tomatoes. "N-no mom its not like that, he's just a friend!" Yoongi spoke quickly.

"Well you two go ahead into Yoongi's room, and have fun." Mrs.Min said to the boys

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