Chapter 4

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"Okay, lets get to work" Taehyung said to Yoongi mentioning the math homework they had gotten last Friday. Yoongi groaned in annoyance. "Can we do that later please?". "I suppose so" Taehyung responded.

"Wait, its friday. Did you want to sleep over?" Yoongi asked Taehyung. "YES!" Taehyung shouted out "I-I mean, um. Yeah sure, cool whatever" Taehyung tried to save himself but it didn't go unnoticed by Yoongi, but he let Taehyung have this one time.

"You want me to walk with you to your house so you can get some clothes, or?" Yoongi questioned. "Yeah that would be great, I don't like to be alone that often." Taehyung responded blankly. "Well lets go then!" Yoongi said fist pumping in the air.

They arrived at Taehyung's house which was only a 5 minute walk away. "I'll be quick don't worry" Taehyung said to Yoongi. "No, no its okay, take your time. No rush." Yoongi responded. "Come on I'll show you my room." Taehyung said grabbing Yoongi's wrist pulling him up the steps that led to his room.

They got upstairs to see a white door decorated with all types of cool, cute, fun stickers. There was a sign that Yoongi couldn't relate more too which read "do not disturb unless you have food" which made Yoongi chuckle louder than he intended to.

Taehyung opened up his door revealing a white room with all types of different color paint splattered on the walls making his room look artsy. "Woah! So cool" Yoongi was amazed as to how nice Taehyung's room looked.

After a while of admiring Taehyung's room they were on the way back to Yoongi's house when Taehyung asked Yoongi on a date. It went a little something like this:

"Would you like to go on a date with me? You can pick where we eat and everything. Just give me a chance? Please~" Taehyung asked. Meanwhile Yoongi blushed so hard that he almost matched Taehyung's cherry red hair. Nonetheless he responded with a quick "Yes!".

"Change into some comfortable clothes or you can keep on what you're wearing." Taehyung recommended Yoongi to change based on where Yoongi picked, which was the movie theater and out to dinner at a pizzeria named "Paradiso Pizzeria" which Yoongi loved and only ate every once in a while.

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