Chapter 2

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After math class was art Yoongi's favorite subject. Yoongi didn't know why he felt a more excited than normal. Sure it was his favorite subject, but he shouldn't feel this excited right?

Soon after a walk that took about 2-3 minutes Yoongi arrived to art class and scanned around the room looking for a certain red headed male, but why? Yoongi himself didn't know why for sure but he just wanted to see him. After searching through the few students that were already in class Yoongi couldn't find "Mr.Red" who was pretty easy to spot hence his hair color.

Yoongi pouted because he couldn't find Taehyung. He didn't know why he wanted to talk to him, they weren't even that close to begin with. "Oh well" Yoongi sighed and began working on the latest project which Ms.Kim assigned to the class which was to draw a complex flower with colors that reflect your feelings currently. Yoongi chose various reds, pinks, and purples.

He began to work on the rough sketch of the flower. He heard the classroom door open and in came an out of breath Taehyung "sorry I was late, I had to finish some work for Mr.Park." Taehyung explained to Ms.Kim. Yoongi smiled a big smile and looked towards Taehyung's direction. The two boys held eye contact for a little while before Ms.Kim excused Taehyung to sit down.

Taehyung made his way next to Yoongi at his table still smiling. "Hey" Taehyung said to Yoongi. "Hi" Yoongi responded back. "I think im starting to like you" Yoongi stated still smiling. "W-what, Yoongi?" Taehyung said caught off guard by Yoongi's previous sentence. Yoongi took notice of this and quickly explained "Taehyung, oh my gosh" he paused to chuckle "like you as in friends?" Yoongi stated obviously.

"Ooh yeah sorry I don't know what I was even thinking about." Taehyung said.

"What is today's classwork?" Taehyung asked Yoongi. "We have to make a complex flower with colors that resemble how we feel right now." Yoongi stated. "Alright, I guess I'll get started then" Taehyung said.

Yoongi was done with his rough sketch and started to draw more straight, precise lines. Taehyung looked over to Yoongi to see him so concentrated that his tongue was poking out, Taehyung chuckled at the mint haired boy and started to finish up his rough sketch. Taehyung had picked a variety of bright blues, bright greens, and bright yellows.

As Yoongi began to start shading in his flower which was so beautiful that Taehyung was starting to doubt his talents. "Wow Yoongi, you can really draw. My flower doesn't look nearly as good as yours." Yoongi blushed at the comment but denied "Its nothing much". Taehyung gasped dramatically "NOTHING MUCH! how could you say such a thing!" Yoongi giggled at how overdramatic Taehyung was being.

Taehyung relaxed when he heard the giggle, it made him happy inside. It was rare to see Yoongi laughimg as loud as he was let alone cracking a smile. Then again Yoongi didn't talk to many people, his circle of friends was small, but he was open to starting a new friendship. Especially with Taehyung.

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