jokes of emotion

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I look down, silence fills the air and my heart is in my throat.

How is it that emotions are funny, that my sadness is somehow a joke.

That her not trusting him somehow reflects on me and changes who I look at in the mirror.

My soul crushed by words sent over text, a joke meaning to catch me in an act I never commited.

A crime I would never finish because that same crime was made against me.

Who do you think i am some desperate woman left on a barren waste land of nothing waiting for your pirate ship full of treachery and pain to come back for me.

I am left in place with enough pieces to build a raft and leave, and leave I will.

I am not going to wait for a hazard to return when I don't want it to. I would rather a casual natural disaster to come and wreck my day then a pirate my week.

And unfortunately it still hurts, my heart still fragile and my legs willing to collapse underneath me.

I still look in the mirror and remember when my eye gleaned with love and were full of hope.

But now they are full of determination because there is no used waiting around for a trash bag who allows people yo fuck with me when I do nothing to deserve it.

That my friendliness is somehow flirting, that me asking for him to listen because he at least know is the same as me begging for him back.

Let me tell you something sweetheart, silent child, jokester.

Keep him, he isn't worth my Monday and won't be worth any other day of the week, and when your heart is broken dont confide in me because I had sympathy for you and you though I was a toy.

Try and manipulate me like some autobot turn me into the person from what I was.

I hope my joints pinch you and leave your fingers useless and black and blue.

I would have treated you with respect had I met you outside of cyber space but now I won't look you in the eyes.

Men are jerks and so are woman my advice, cats just saying

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