fist to face

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Let's talk face to face

Or rather fist to face, I knock you to the ground stand tall and wait for you to arise.

Lift your fists in a defensive position and start this battle again.

Let's fucking go, with sticks and stone that break bone, and words that chill you to them.

I fear an unfair fight, that there is something up your non existent sleeve, a secret or blackmail.

I am aware that losing is an option I feel the pressure from the crowd.

The people placing bets on who will win and who leaves crying.

So talk to me face to face

And words that hit like bricks in tones that shatter glass.

Let me beat you down and let you get up to beat you again.

Unlike you I won't use a sneak attack no tapping out, no tag teams.

Unlike you I fight fair

Put on your gloves and enter the ring

So let's talk fist to face.

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