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Hey guizz!!! I know it's been a while since I've updated and here are some reasons why.

1. My mother let me joined speech choir.

So my mother wanted me to join the speech choir where we'll be competing different schools. I tell you it's really exhausting. Instead I'm going home, I would always go straight in the Dramatic Arts Club room and practice for 2 hours and always got home by six pm, imagine that ey?

What's worse is that the performance is on wednesday, FUUUUUUUUUUUUUU-

Every student has go through projects. I mean 1 week to finish all projects? Imagine 2 projects each subject.
*MAPEH (Music,Arts,Physical Education and Health)
*Filipino(mother tounge)
*Christian Living Education(I'm in a Christian school okay.)
*Science and Technology
*Social Science
*Technology Livelihood Eduction

3.Xmas Party
Since I'm the class president in 7th grade, I'm pretty much in charge of everything.

Christmas party in our school will be tommorrow. I'm in charge of the games,props,decorations and everything.

3 reasons why I can't update that much.

See how busy I am now? Man some people could relate to dis. Don't worry after the speech choir thing is over I'll update.

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