Chapter 2

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(Y/n)'s P.O.V

Mark pulls out of his drive way and my phone starts ringing. I pick my phone up, seeing it is my friend Jess, I pick up my phone. "Hey Jess wha-" "Why didn't you text me when you got home?" Jess screams cutting me off. I have the phone away from my face, "I went for my run then on my way back I gashed my knee open. I will be fine my neighbor helped me out," I say as we pull into my driveway. He parks then shuts off the car so I can talk for a little bit.

"Well I hope you feel better soon. Check out the new Markiplier video it will make you feel better," she says with a little laugh. Mark looks at me which tells me he heard her. "I will. Hey I have to go. Bye talk to you later," I say then hang up the phone. He gets out then helps me out Caring me to the door. I unlock it then open the door, "Where do you want me to put you?" Mark asks. "Upstairs in my room. My crutches are in there," I say pointing upstairs.

He walks up I point to my door, "That's my room," I say. He opens the door then puts me on my bed. "Where are your crutches?" he asks looking around "They are in my closet," i say pointing to it. He grabs the crutches and sets them next to my bed. "Thank you," I say putting a pillow under my knee. "Your welcome, do you need ice?" he asks, I nod then he goes downstairs. He comes back up as I take some of my Ibuprofen, he places it gently on my knee. 

"Thanks," I say, "Welcome," he says with a smile. "I have to go get this recolored," he says running his fingers through his hair. "Okay send me a picture of the new color," I say smiling. "Sure. I will see you later. Rest up and let your knee heal," he says waving bye. "Okay," I say waving bye, he walks downstairs and leaves. I hear his car start up then pull out of the driveway. I smile then lay my head down then fall asleep.

Mark's P.O.V

I leave (Y/n)'s house then get in my car and start it up. I drive away to the hair salon, I couldn't get her off my brain. I get there, park, then get out, and go inside. As I walk in I'm swarmed by fan girls til the stylist saves me from them. I sit down in her chair, "What color are you going today?" she asks. I think for a moment the only thing that came to mind was (Y/n)'s shirt. "Red," I say with a slight blush. "Okay. Do you want a small trim?" she asks. "Sure," I say then she starts.

~Time Skip~

"You are all done," she says setting the brush down and turning me to see it. I look at it and smile, "Thank you," I say. "Your welcome," she says, I get up and pay leaving a tip. I leave then remember (Y/n) wanted to see it so I take a selfie and send it to her. I get in my car, go home, I let Chica out, make a video, work out, feed Chica, then I cook dinner.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 18, 2017 ⏰

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