Komahina (fluff!) Part two

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PART TWO is here. welp I told you imma do dis later butt I'm in the mood so. (sounded so wrong) anywayyyy let's just get to it. (sounded wrong again)

Nagito's POV
Chiaki's idea was for me and her to be a pretend couple to make Hajime jealous. I'm not sure that this will work out well...but...anything to get Hajime's heart!

"Yeah we are official!" I said with no hesitation. I feel the determination to keep going with this plan.
"Bu--but--Nagito san I--I thought you--"
"UGh sHut uP yOu pIg! Who are you to make comments?!" Hiyoko snapped at Mikan, even though Mikan wasn't done talking.
"eeeek! I'm sorry!" Mikan replied, scared as always.

The class just went super duper wild. They were shouting and asking a bunch of questions. Geez, is this really THAT surprising? As I was thinking, Hajime walk towards me. Oh My God, will this plan work out well? will he be jealous? Is he jealous?? Is he gonna drag me to another place and say lines such as 'forget her and be mine?' EEEEEeeekk!

"Congratulations! You guys are fitting for eachother!" Hajime said with a congratulating tone. I froze there. I looked at Chiaki beside me and she was rather surprised. Our plan failed.
"I--uh...Tha--thankyo--" I was not able to finish the sentence. I can feel the urge to cry and just die. As i was about to run away, something cuts my actions off.
"It's a joke. We were just pranking you guys." Chiaki said. I stood there dumbfounded of what she was doing. She let go of my hands and whispered to me : "Retreat." I understand what she meant directly and goes along with it.
"Yeap. It's just a joke. We are only close friends!" I said cheerfully. A fake cheer apparently. I feel like digging a hole and just live inside it for the rest of my life.

Everyone stood there. Just standing. 5 minutes later they started laughing like maniacs. Damn, what kind of Ultimates are these?
"Good one guys..geezzz!" Kazuichi said as he wiped his tears off. why was he even crying? When i looked over to Hajime, His eyes started to tear up.
"Hajime san?! Wh--why?" I asked him as i struggle to find a tissue.
"No--no..It's fine. I thought you guys were for real...I'm relieved." He said.
"Wh--?" I said blushing. He was relieved? He then realized what he said and just covered his mouth. Others were jawdropping like crazy and started whistling. Chiaki ran over to the crowd and gave me a thumbs up.
"Ha--hajime..why were you relieved?" I asked him. He then stopped covering his mouth, and stared at me.
"Because I--uh--think-I like you." He said stuttering and blushing. Everyone just clapped and kept whistling.

"Me too!"

I'm sorry sorry sorry this one's short and half-assed. It's just that i have one good fanfic idea for Peko and Fuyuhiko i just can't wait to write it! But I know I have to finish this first sooooo!!!!

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