Chapter 6 - 試験 (The Exam)

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Hello! Happy Early New Year, everyone!
Let us wish for the best for 2018!

I was planning to publish this on the January 1St, but I just couldn't help it! I'm so proud of this chapter, and I just had to publish it already!

Oh and! Don't play the music yet. ;)

Key Legend:
Normal - 'Signing'
Italics - 'Thoughts'
Bold - 'Written'
Underlined - 'Morse Code Taps & Knocks'

Chapter 6 - 試験 (The Exam)


       'After this exam, Toshiaki better tell me that secret.' I give off a sly smile making other students back away and try to avoid me as possible. I brought up my first to the air above me. 'I WILL pass this exam.'

  Realizing people nearby were watching, I slowly brought my fist down and started fidgeting in my spot, 'Oh no, this is so embarrassing! I just keep getting caught in the moment like these!' I brought up my hands up to my face and slapped my cheeks to get myself together, making nearby people flinch at my sudden actions. 'Alright! Let's go!'

  Once inside and was given my card information, I took a seat beside a girl with albino white hair and glowing red eyes whom fidgeted a little when I sat next to her. 'Damn, she probably saw me being weird at the gates.' I sighed and looked forward to listen to Present Mic.

"WELCOME TO TODAY'S LIVE PERFORMANCE!! EVERYBODY SAY HEY!!" He boomed throughout the room and listened to the crowd for a response, but everyone stayed silent. Present Mic continued, "WELL THAT'S COOL, MY EXAMINEE LISTENERS!! I'M HERE TO PRESENT THE GUIDELINES OF YOUR PRACTICAL!! ARE YOU READY?! YEAHH!!" Silence among the crowd once again.

"This is how the test will go, my listeners! You'll be experiencing ten minute long Mock Cityscape Maneuvers!!" The image of the alphabets and maps were placed on the screen. I glanced at my card to check out my testing location which is district E. "Bring along whatever you want! After this presentation, you'll each head to your assigned testing location!!"

He then started to explain the exam, "Each site is filled with three kinds of faux villains. Points are awarded for defeating each according to their respective difficulty levels!! Use your quirks to disable these faux villains... And earn points! That's your goal, listeners!! Of course, playing the antihero and attacking other examinees is prohibited!!"

Knowing this scene, I mentally counted down for a certain character. I looked up to see the bluish-black hair stood up with a hand high, the other hand on the paper that given to us about the exam and asked, "May I ask a question?!"

"There appear to be no fewer than four varieties of faux villain, on this handout! Such a blatant error, if it is one, is highly unbecoming for UA, Japan's top academy!! We're all here today in the hopes of being molded into model heroes!!" He then turn to point out at a certain freckled boy, "And, you, with the curly hair! You've muttering this whole time... It's distracting!! If this is some sort of game to you, then please leave immediately!"

I can clearly see Midoriya from far away covering his mouth and muttered out an apology. I turned to the front stage and listened to Present Mic to continue, "Alright alright. Examiner 7111, nice catch. Thanks! But the fourth faux gets you zero points! He's more of an obstacle! Have you all played Super Mario Brothers?! The old, retro game. It's kind of like a THWOMP! Only one at each site! A 'gimmick' that'll rampage around in close quarters!"

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