Chapter 16

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edited 28/12/17

Jimin POV

"Bye Jimin I'll come back soon!" Jaehee said before she left. I wave and she closes the door.

Jaehee went grocery shopping. I offered to help her but she said she'll be fine due to the convenience store only being opposite us. Sitting down, I turn on the TV. Quietly watching, my phone shrieks with a notification. I groan while picking up, seeing it's a text from Yoosae.

Yoosae: they're coming for you

I begin to panic. Who's coming for me? I huff and type back.

Jimin: Who's coming for me?

Yoosae: The police

Jimin: Why?

Yoosae: They know about you and Jaehee.

Jimin: ...

I instantly lock my phone. How could I let this happen? I hear the door click and I picked myself and walked towards Jaehee. She looked at me concerned and I almost burst out crying. Grabbing my wallet, I pull out all my money, my credit card and my debit card out, giving it to her. She gives me a questionable look.

"Jaehee, listen to me. I know this is sudden, but I'm afraid this is it. I've been caught and the police are after me," I heard a faint siren and my breath hitches ", listen, there is a place far from here. It's in the deep forest. I had a place built there just incase anything happened. Take my car and go there. I need to run. I'll meet you there in a couple of days okay?"

Jaehee was dumb founded. She understood one thing; we have been found out and the police are after me. I could tell because she was crying. She latched onto me and cried into my shoulder. Hugging her, I rubbed her back.

She let go soon after and opened the door for me, and I kissed one last time. She is the love of my life and I'll do anything in my power to make sure we stay together. Even if it means we have to run away forever. Running out of the door and into the forest behind the apartment complex, I have started my attempt of getting away from the police.

Jaehee's POV

That was it. He's gone. Right he gave me a little address with a drawn map. I must go here and find that little house.

Walking out of the door of the apartment complex with a few things, I walked to Jimin's car. Luckily, I know how to drive one of these. Groaning, I started up the car with a rough roar, and drove to the address. I wonder what the house will be like. Probably petite and cute. Giggling, I soon arrive at the location. The forest is huge and looks unpopular.

Climbing out the car, I walk down deep into the forest, soon finding a little house. I was right, it's small.

Now I wait for Jimin.... 

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