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"Chapter 3"


Countdown: 41 days until sentence.

Shower duty. So much fun.

There was a schedule for every week. Someone had to stand outside the shower rooms, to make sure no suspicious behaviour was happening. Yet to be honest, I only half paid attention, only caring when something was actually happening, like a man and a woman tried to sneak in together.

Jungkook had kept me up all night, between him asking me to stay near his cell, to my never ending questions about him. I'd barely slept 3 hours and usually I slept 7 so my body wasn't cooperating with me this cold morning. I found myself slouching, limbs hanging loosely around me and my eyes drooping from the heavy weight they were attempting to carry. 

There was a yell from inside the men's shower room which broke me out of my sleep. I swear I only shut my eyes for a few seconds. My eyes snapped open as if I was buzzing on coffee or sugar. Another yell echoed through the bathroom before I turned the corner. Yet the bathroom was empty. 

AISH! I must be going out of my mind.

"I was wondering how long it would take you. Almost a whole 30 seconds. I could've died." A voice chuckled behind me. I turned around seeing a figure lurk out of the shadowed corner of the shower room yet quickly turned back around due to the sight, feeling blush spread through my face.

I could hear Jungkook's amused breaths behind me and I could tell he was smirking. Yet I couldn't face him. Until he took me by the shoulders and spun me around.

"You're an awful police officer. Letting your guard down because you were flustered by me." He tsked me. Yet I couldn't help it. Jungkook was stood, wet, in only a white towel around his waist. He had the body most men envied and some would kill for, with his broad shoulders and slim waist and perfectly chiselled abs and pecs, along with long muscular arms which you just wanted to cuddle in because you'd feel safe. I'd never really confirmed my sexuality, but I think Jungkook may have just done that for me.

"I-I was respecting your modesty."

"Sweetheart, if I wanted to be modest, I wouldn't walk around wet in my towel." He smirked, one arm on the wall I leaned against. I gulped out of vulnerability and I could see the amusement dancing through Jungkook's eyes. Is he just playing with my feelings because there is no way a man like this is gay. He removed his arm, tightening the wrap on his towel before reaching for his jumpsuit, tank top and underwear. 

"By the way, you look adorable when you blush." He smirked before disappearing inside a cubicle to change. I waited for a couple of seconds, somewhat flustered, before moving myself out of that stupid shower room. 

Maybe shower duty isn't so bad after all.


After lunch, the majority of inmates were in recreational time, leaving the officers to wander around their main area. I was assigned to the field, which consisted of a basketball/ football area and a decently sized area of grass, where people could just sit and daze I guess. Otherwise the area was pretty empty and bleak, with the high electrified metal fences and the guard posts and the outer grey concrete of the building. 

There was one stand alone tree in the field, an old oak tree. I had always liked that spot. Somehow, despite the gloom that covered the rest of the institute, this spot always caught the sun, no matter what type of day. It was my break, so I decided to go and take a seat, yet my spot had been taken. 

The pale January illumination hit that tree as it always did, washing the light brown oak wood in it's light. The light also hit a familiar figure, hitting the high points of his face, making his strong features stick out more.  Jungkook. His head rocked back, making his Adam's Apple stand out prominently like a mountain. Eyes closed, his eyelashes were able to graze his cheekbones, little shadows falling on to his pink tinted cheeks. He looked like a normal person, smiling, turning a pencil between his fingers, humming something. His voice sounded heavenly, even when just humming.

I trailed closer, wanting to catch a glance of his drawing pad. Here, you weren't able to have most forms of entertainment and most people turned to sports for entertainment but the prison kept a high stock of books and drawing materials for the inmates use. I grew so close, I was almost at the tree trunk and the drawing pad was in almost clear view. It was a rough sketch so far; a collection of shapes and lines to map out the sketch. Yet the features were familiar, the soft nose, the long, large eyes, the outline of the straight eyebrows, the long mouth which was being drawn with impeccable detail.

"I know you're there." Jungkook's familiar voice purred from around the trunk. I could see his legs shuffle when suddenly his head popped out from behind the tree. "Hello Taehyung."

"How do you- how- what?"

"I'm an ex gang leader, I have my fair share of skills." He chuckled before looking back at me, patting the spot next to him. I walked a little closer, declining his invitation to sit. Instead I leaned against the oak, crossing my arms over my chest, trying to look intimidating.

"You missed lunch."

"You noticed? I'm so touched, baby ." Jungkook touched his heart. 

"It's my job to notice" I retorted, finally taking a seat next to him. But not because I wanted to sit next to him, because my legs hurt.

"I had better things to do." Jungkook resumed his drawing, the sound of his pencil scratching the paper filling the air around us. Everything seemed to have gone silent and I guessed it was time for counselling for the majority of inmates. I knew it wasn't time for Jungkook though. I had his schedule memorised since he was the first inmate that I had sole responsibility for. 

We spent some time in silence, him drawing and me marvelling at his drawing. Occasionally I looked beyond the fence, down the hill,  yet it was just forest and even that was barely visible due to the smog and haze of Seoul. So instead, I found myself distracted, on Jungkook. I kept looking between him and his art, which was progressively looking more and more familiar. He kept blowing a stray hair, which was falling into his eyes relentlessly. Without thinking, I reached across him, taking the stray hair and pushing it back for him.

Jungkook looked up, bewildered before smirking, setting his drawing pad aside. 

"If you wanted to touch me, you could've just asked. I wouldn't mind, especially if it were you doing the touching." He chuckled, leaning in a little, inches away from my face. He looked in my eyes before turning his head slightly, his mouth right beside my ear. His warm breath tickled my neck as he spoke. "My safe word is keep going." I could hear his smirk forming before he pulled away, gathering his belongings and walking towards the building, as if nothing happened. Yet I was here, left breathless and bewildered.

There is no way I am having feelings for Jeon Jungkook.


Hope you're enjoying!

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