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"Chapter 11"


Author POV (because I can give the most dramatic scenes cause I know everyone's feelings hehe ): 

Jungkook swallowed heavily as he felt all the judging eyes on his frame. Perhaps 150 ,if not more, eyes just staring him down, but just two were enough to calm him. There had bee very few times Jungkook was genuinely scared, only four times that he could think of besides today.

The first was when he was seven years old and both his mother and brother were in a car crash. He didn't know until he came home and no one was there. There was no brother there to pick on him or help him with his homework, no smell of food in the oven or hug waiting for him when he arrived in the door. It was only when his father's secretary arrived at the house to take him to the hospital. Throughout the drive, he was so convinced that they would both be dead.

The second time was a month before the Myeongdong fires, about two years ago. Yugyeom, Jackson and Joy were all missing and blood stained all of their beds. He was so convinced they had been kidnapped in the night. It had turned out each of them had brutally killed the intruders and he found them all downstairs in the kitchen, eating breakfast, with their slightly stained clothes drying in the laundry room and the weaponry in the disinfecting room.

The third time was the kidnappings. When he went home with not a trace of any of his family and his brother off doing god knows what and fucking god knows who. The house had been unlocked, empty, with no trace of anyone. And then the videos came in. Terror had coursed through him that day more than any other emotion.

The fourth, and most recent, had nothing to do with any injury, or murders, but it was about seven weeks ago, when Jungkook met Taehyung and the instant attraction hit. That fear had amplified over the last few weeks, being at its peak merely a few nights ago when they'd spoken about the future.

And now his heart was racing, sweat was dripping profusely at the nape of his neck and his pupils were dilating. He couldn't keep still, he kept fidgeting, tapping his foot, chewing the inside of his cheek, picking at the dried skin around his right thumb. A hand settled on his shoulder and he turned suddenly, trying to see who it was.

"Babe, you're going to be fine. We're all here to defend you." Taehyung rubbed Jungkook's back in circular motions and Jungkook hugged him quickly, knowing it could be the last time.

Three knocks against wood echoed through the room and a man dressed in a pristine navy suit walked to the front of the room.

"All rise." His voice was loud and reached the very back of the room clearly, filling every nook and cranny of the room. An older woman entered from a door behind the stand and she nodded to everyone, who took their seat again.

"We are here today to discuss the persecution of death row convict 010997, name Jeon Jungkook, convicted of gang involvement, arson, threat, drug ownership and selling, weaponry trade, murder and rape of a minor. May the prosecution bring forward their argument." The judge called out in a low voice which came to be from years of smoking. A man of age 46 walked to the front of the room, bowed to the judge and the court and then all of the people spectating.

"I'd like to start off by talking with Mr. Jeon." The man sighed and walked closer, setting his hands on the desk in front of Jungkook.

"Now let's start out with some simple questions. Are you currently the leader of the Gang of Seoul."

"Yes Sir."

"Do you or do you not have any involvement in Busan drug line."

"I did sir."

"What do you mean you did?"

"I cut off ties with that line when I realised it wasn't worth my efforts. My men and women were getting hurt and it didn't bring enough revenue so I cut off ties back in September of last year." Hushed whispers began to go through the audience.

"SILENCE IN THE COURT." The judge yelled, smacking her gavel against the podium.

"Were you involved in the Myeongdong fires?"

"That question is vague sir, I would need you to clarify what you want me to answer."

"Did you start the fire?"

"No sir."

"Who started the fire?"

"A small time gang from Gangnam who had insiders in my gang. I threw them out and they retaliated since now they didn't get their inside information anymore meaning they didn't have levridge over me. So they burnt down my building."

"I see. Did you Mr. Jeon, have any involvement in the murder of your family."

"I did not sir. I was sent threats just after they were kidnapped when I went to go and surprise them with a visit down in Busan. They were dead before I knew where they were."

"Then please explain these videos."

He presented a series of videos, all seemingly incriminating yet Jungkook managed to knock down each one of their theories. They were growing thin on evidence. The prosecutor turned to another man and whispered in his ear. Within a minute someone walked through the door, a familiar tall brunette with them.

"Junghyun?" Jungkook turned to see his brother glaring at him. Junghyun took the stand, swore on the bible to tell the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth.

"Jungkook's never liked our family, he left as a young teenager and barely keeps contact with us. When I was abroad studying at the time of the kidnappings, he said he apparently went down to surprise them and that when they were missing he called me non-stop, well really he kidnapped them and then called me to make threats."

Junghyun was taking a childhood grudge way to far but it was understandable. He was confused and didn't understand what was happening. On his phone he produced a recording from an unknown number.

"Oh Junghyun, why do you never pick up?" The voice chuckled. "I have mum and dad here and your two favourite cousins. Now we can finally be rid of our stupid family. It was just going to be mum and dad at first but, I couldn't have witnesses. Aren't you happy hyung, I finally got rid of our controlling parents. The ones who always forced you to do what you didn't want to do. Though maybe, just maybe I should kill you too, for being so cowardly and not leaving them."

The call ended and the disguised voice was no longer to be heard.

"Well, the evidence given has been incriminating enough. Perhaps all the evidence was true. Do we even need to hear the prosecution? I heard your witness, the girl who was raped, can't even be here today. She had a minor setback." The judges face twisted into a sly smirk and it was easy to guess she may be in on this too.

No one knew what to say and just as Taehyung was about to stand and say something to break this deafening silence, the doors swung open, banging against the walls and a man in a full suit, police badge on display.

"Yes you do need to hear the prosecution, because Jungkook is innocent and this whole event was set up and I was one of the people who helped." Jimin walked up between the seats and entered into the judging area. He side glanced Jungkook and Taehyung and his eyes were bleary as he gave a small, sad smile.

No matter what, Jimin loved Taehyung and wanted to see him happy no matter what. And if that meant letting him go to be with Jungkook and turning himself in as well as the whole corrupt police force, he was willing to do it.

Because love makes us do crazy things.

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