Chapter 2-"I have work to do"

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Once I had reached the stables, I grew puzzled. The cart was here, and it was loaded with the sacks I had left earlier. However there was no sign of Rob. My sack joined the others as I hurled it onto the cart. I instantly recognised the two horses that were attached to the cart, Salt and Pepper. Salt whinnied for attension while Pepper watched me walk over to them. It was easy to tell which one was more outgoing. They were two of Bill's twenty three horses. I did look after Bill's horses in my spare time, but that was mainly Colin's job.

I jumped as I heard a voice behind me,"It looks like you've gotten stronger since the last time I was last here."

I turned to see a man, who had a head full of firey red hair and two blue eyes that were similar to mine, wearing an army uniform. My eyes widened in suprize, "Tommy!"

"It's good to see you sis."

He ruffled my hair as much as much as he could before flashing a cheeky smile at me.That goofy grin was the one that I would always miss.

"How did you-"

Our reunion went as fast as it came.Within seconds Bill appeared out of nowhere, inturrupting us. He greeted my brother, and gave me a 'friendly' reminder.

"Nice to see you, Thomas!" They shook hands and as they did, Bill shot me a glance and mouthed "the wheat."

Quickly, I threw my arms around Thomas catching him by suprize, "I'll see you properly tomorrow, but right now I have work to do!" I jogged to the wheatfield before he could even wrap his arms around me.

Once I reached the field, I saw two men, one was tall and the other small. Fletcher was small an old but, despite appearences, he was a hard worker. Him and his daughter Layla, put a alot of effort into everything that they did. However, they were both senstive souls and were very careful about what they did. Before they came to the farm, people gave them a hard time because of their skin colour. It wasn't right, to be judged on something that you can't help. Although he was a hard man, Bill was the only land owner in the whole county that gave Layla and Fletcher a place to stay.

Rigger on the other hand, was a giant. He wasn't worth looking at with his curley blonde hair and crooked nose. He was famous throughout the county for his stories that he would tell, down in the pub, every Friday. His most well known story was how a bull broke his nose.

As they both caught sight of me, I waved and yelled, "Sorry I'm late!"

Fletcher signaled me to come closer, "What did ya say lass?"

"I said that you look good today" I winked, Fletcher smiling back at me

"Lair, compliments won't get you anywhere, only hard work will" Rigger spat at me 

He bent down, tending to the crops. Rigger was the type of snob who cared about work, himself and nothing else. "We started over an hour ago, so why are you here?"

"Bill sent me."

"What for? We don't need you lazing about!"

"Rigger!" Fletcher snapped

They all believed the same thing, except Fletcher and Layla. They were the only people that truly understood me; to a certain extent. Whereas my brother didn't know what to believe, as he was away months at a time.

I sighed, "Just tell me what needs done and I'll do it"

Rigger's eyes widened with shock, he was so surprised that he didn't know what to say, "W-well in that case, let's divide the rest of the field. I'll do this bit, Fletcher over there and you do the rest."

It was clearly unfair, the way that Rigger divided the field. He always took charge when Bill wasn't around. Him and Fletcher had about the same amount of land to cover. Obviously, I was given the largest amount possible. Fletcher tried to oppose but Rigger insisted, since he wanted to 'test' my abilities. All I could do was hold my head up high and work through it. And that's exactly what I did. The three of us tended to our section of the wheat, no complaints made. We didn't stop to talk to each other until I was on my last plant.

"Ya know lass, you could be out there saving lives instead of being here, slavin' away in the sun all day."

I looked up to see Fletcher with his arms folded and a smile on his face. Whenever I did manage to have a break, he was always the one who would encourage me to work hard. But of course he never let me forget how much he...

"I admire ya lass, I do."

"Fletch, I know you do, you always tell me but I never understand why"

Fletcher placed his hands on my shoulders. He looked me in the eye, "Because no matter what anyone says to you, ya just pay them no heed and get on with the work"

Seeing him smile made me smile, in a way that gave me a sense of hope and comfort.

"But ya know, you'd be doing yourself a favour if you'd just leave. There's a better life out there for you than here!"

"Fletch, you know I can't"

"You can't what, finish the job?" Rigger intervened

 "No Rigger, I-"

"Just leave the poor lass alone, she's had a tough day filled with work!"

Rigger rolled his eyes, "Haven't the rest of us?"

Me and Fletcher ignored him as he stomped off. We both said goodnight before Fletcher hurried after him. It was sunset. I wanted nothing more than to join them, but I still had to go to the stables. Another day had gone by where I could not speak to my brother. That would have to wait. After I finished my work, I joined everyone at the farmhouse. They were receiving seconds while I received my first plate...

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