Chapter 10 - On The Road

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Copyright © 2014 BYEconnort  - All Rights Reserved

To say I was surprised when I woke up the next morning would be a bit of an understatement.

The sunlight streaming from a window nearby was annoying me with its brightness as I was beginning to wake up from a dreamless slumber. I almost yelped out loud when I opened my eyes and was immediately face-to-face with another human being. My sharp intake of breath must have woken him up too. A moment later, I found myself staring right at Connor’s blue eyes. His eyes seemed to always be changing the intensity of its color, but right now, it was the most solemn shade of blue I’ve seen in my life.

It took me a while to realize we’ve been staring at each other long enough for it to feel a bit awkward. “Good morning,” he says softly. The corners of his mouth tugged into a lazy smile.

I lie frozen in my current position for a few blissful seconds before the morning haziness cleared up and I remember what happened last night and why I woke up with my face mere inches from Connor’s.

Suddenly, I became all too aware with every single detail, from his piercing blue eyes, to the crinkles at the corner of his eyes, to the messy bed hair he was sporting, to the heat radiating off his body. It was enough to make all the blood rush to my face, fashioning me with cheeks tinged with pink. I shot up from my position so quickly that my head begins to throb painfully. Must be the lack of sleep in my system complaining. I glanced around the room to the abandoned monopoly set in the corner and the sleeping forms of Toby and Riley on the bed. I must’ve fallen asleep playing monopoly with the guys, so here I am with a headache, a sore body from sleeping on the floor, and a face that’s all too red for my liking.

“I should go,” I tell Connor and make a beeline for the door.   

I was already out of the room when he caught up with me. “You forgot this,” he says groggily with my sweater in hand. I sneak a peek at him and instantly regret it when I met his gaze. Even though I looked away quickly, it did nothing to calm my racing heart.

In my hurry to get away, it slipped my mind that I was only wearing my PJs. I tug self-consciously at my tank top that left a gap between the hem and my bunny-patterned shorts, leaving a portion of my stomach exposed. I didn’t need a mirror to see just how red I was again. I grabbed the sweater and pulled it over my head. “Thanks,” I muttered and hurriedly made my way downstairs.

Before I could quietly exit through the back door though, I bumped into Joan who was already cooking breakfast.

“Oh, good morning, dear. Didn’t know you were over,” she greets, the surprise in her voice evident.

“I kind of fell asleep here last night,” I say sheepishly.

“The boys were up late again, weren’t they?” she sighs. “I better check on Toby. He’s probably not even finished packing his clothes.”

“Don’t worry about him. He’s done. I helped him finish up last night so it’s one less thing to worry about,” I flash her a reassuring smile. I can see Joan was a bit stressed out but I can tell she relaxed a bit at my news.

“That’s nice of you, Audrey. Thank you,” she beams.

“It was nothing,” I say. “But I better go though. Mom doesn’t know I’m here.”

Thankfully, I got back home without my mom knowing I sneaked out last night. I checked up on my computer and sent a silent prayer to whatever god was up there for completing the update without any trouble. My computer was the last I had to pack and it was such a relief to finally be done. It hit me that a few more hours and soon I’ll be on the road. I’ve always wanted to go on a road trip around America and this was the closest one I’ll get.

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