Drowning (part 2)

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Shawn's point of view

I watched this girl all night as she laughed and danced to the music of the party. I couldn't take my eyes off her as she walked over to a group of guys that were calling her name. She looked extremely uncomfortable making me want to hold her close to keep her safe as she made small talk with these blokes who looked like drop outs.

I watched as one of the boys picked up her screaming body and even after her cries they threw her in.

I watched as her body emerged in water. I panicked as her screams rang in my ears. The blood in my system boiled with the small amount of alcohol I've consumed and in a quick moment I was in the guys face screaming.

" why the fuck would you throw her in LIKE ARE YOU STUPID?" I screamed.

" hey watch your mouth pretty boy or you'll regret it"

" shut up you don't fricken scare me, I'll take you on anyday" I yelled furiously

" come on then mendes" he grinned but there was fear In the way he spoke.

" apologise to the girl would you?" I growled.

That was when I realised she hasn't come up yet. As quick as I realised I had dived into the water and searched around for her body. Finding it, I embraced her cold body to mine and rose to the surface.

Everyone gathered round the scene that was occurring in this moment. I got out of the pool and gently laid her body down on the ground starting to do CPR.

After a while she didn't respond and I started to get worried.

" somebody call an ambulance now!!" I screamed while doing compressions.

I was losing all hope and I was about to give up, that was until I felt her body shake a little. I brought my ear close to her mouth and listened closely, trying to find any signs of her breathing.

I could feel warm air tickling my ear and I was met with her beautiful eyes.

" Shawn?" She coughed in confusion

She was breathing.
She's alive.
She knew who I was.

I let out a breathe I didn't know I was holding as I heard the sirens in the distance and scooped her in my arms. Shoeing away all the nosy people that kept whispering and watching.

I walked to the ambulance and handed her over to the paramedics who were examining her body.

" sir I'm gonna need you to come with us so we understand what happened" one of the paramedics asked.

" of course"

" you can just sit next to her and comfort her on the ride while you explain"

"Gladly" I smiled as I took her hand and explained the story.

Your point of view

My eyes opened to a sore chest, freezing cold hands and a pair of golden brown eyes staring at me. I knew exactly who they belonged to.

" Shawn?" I questioned before my body grew heavy and tired and I drifted off back to a daze.

I woke up to a boring coloured wall and the smell of over cleanliness in my noes. I tried to move my body but the tubes were all constricting me.

" oh thank god your awake" Shawn sighed.

" your here?" I let out a breathe I didn't know I was holding.

" yeah I didn't want to leave you alone, since I knew your parents were away" he chuckled innocently.

" how did you know my parents were out of town?" I smirked.

" lucky guess" he brought his gaze away from mine and to the ground were he smiled ever so sweetly.

" Thank you so much for saving me by the way you really didn't have to" I thanked.

" it was nothing, I wanted to help you" he hummed.

" Shawn you literally saved me it wasn't nothing I owe you my life, if you ever need anything from me just ask" I smiled sweetly.

" actually there is something you could do for me" he grinned getting closer.

" and what would that be?" I asked innocently.

"kiss me"

So I did.

A/n: did you like this?? ❤️❤️

Please VOTE AND COMMENT it'll mean the world to me❤️

I'm also gonna try post again today so see yah laters muffins❤️✌🏽

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