Opposites attract

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Third person P.O.V:
You may wonder,why will opposites attract?,its strange.

Yes,it is indeed,but one good thing about it is that they could make your life to the happiest.

Ethan johnson,one of the most scariest people,most disrespectful,and one of the savagest boys in the whole entire school.

He's just your average savage boy.
But yet he was openly gay,and people were forced to accept him from how scary he was.

But Grayson dolan,one of the nicest,precious,amd kindest boys in the whole entire school..

He's quite the opposite.
He was openly gay,too.
But yet he got respected by others.
And people always thought that there is no way a jock would be in love with a loveable boy,till that day came in.

The class was filled with boardom,as all ethan could do is tap his pencil into the ruined,drawn-on desk,but he didn't give a flying shit to the fellow students who were already annoyed by his actions.

"You dipshit,Can you just stop tapping your pencil on the desk!!",one of the most talkative students,david snaps,making Ethan snap his gaze towards him,looking at his as if he wanted to murder him.

"F*ch off david! I could do whatever f*cking thing i want! Why do you even talk to me!",the jock himself hisses loudly at his face,grabbing everyone's attention,including mr.scuppie.

"Ethan! Its really nice to have you ruining our quiet reading time",mr.scuppie says sarcastically,faking a smile while slowly placing his book on his huge,clean desk.

"Pffttt,come on were not even in kinder gard-"
But his sentence was inturupted by a knock on the door,cutting off their lesson as well.

"Come in!"

And the one who stept inside the classroom was the most gorgeous boy that layed in this planet.

He looked like an angle in ethan's eyes.

His hazel eyes that were so mesmerizing,that it sent Ethan into a faze.
The white flower crown that was slowly drowning by his hair,making him look innocent.
He had a slight curve too,and lets top it with the cute hoodie and jeans that he's wearing.

Every student's gaze suddenly snap over to the jock,who had heart eyes over to the boy,and they all knew to not mess with the new kid,or there would be consequenses.

"H-hi",the new kid studders,shyness filling into his voice.

One of Ethan's weeknesses...

"Why hello there! Im mrs.scuppie and im your english teacher",he exclaimes,and all that Grayson could do was nod.

"And im pretty sure that our fellow students here will respect you,right?",his gaze turn towards us,giving the students in class devil eyes as a way to respects the gay boy that just came in.

"Grayson",Grayson interrupts him,a smile shown on his face.

"So grayson",mrs.scuppie continues,
"Your assigned seat is beside...Ethan,Ethan raise your hand!"

And Ethan waists no time and immediately raises his hand,the students in the class already know that he had a liking in grayson.

Grayson slowly walks over to the jock,a small smile stuck into his face as mrs.scuppie continues the lesson,and then finally reach over to Ethan,and sits beside him,Ethan's eyes burning onto his soul

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