1: The Switch

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 "YOBOSEYO!" A loud greeting was heard on Nami's end of the call

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A loud greeting was heard on Nami's end of the call. She quickly retracted it from her ear with an annoyed expression, looking around the street she was walking on.
"Namjoo! Why are you yelling? Aish.."
she says, picking at her ear, her poor eardrum. Sound was coming from the other end, like music was playing in a big echoing room. The music suddenly became muffled, and Namjoo's voice came on clear,
"Sorry sis.." she says in s hushed tone. "Are you done with your classes? I just got finished with practice and I'm hungry!" She says, her voice getting louder after referring to her sister.  Nami could imagine her face and could see the evident pout on her face. Once Nami got safely across the street she stopped by the light,
"Namjoo... you always eat big meals! You know that's no fun.."
she sighs, flipping her hair back, and looking up at the dark gray sky above her. Nami had to retract her phone again after hearing a loud sigh,
"Your stomach is just too small babo! You never want to eat with me!"
Nami rolls her eyes, "Sorry I wasn't born with a matching stomach like yours!" She then laughs, ready to end this silly bickering,
"I'll treat you.. but don't force me to try everything you get." She says, starting to walk again. Namjoo could be heard cheering. "Yes!! Ok! Hold on... I'm about to leave my members! Text me where you want to go~" Namjoo speaks sweeter than ever, after knowing that she's going to get free food. Nami laughs and says her goodbye before hanging up. She stuffs her phone back into her coat pocket, then hearing feet shuffle quickly behind her. She knew surely her sister wasn't out that quick.. she turned around to see someone pop up in front of her face quickly. She backed up startled as she looked at the man. He had a runny nose, a scruffy aftershave and his breath was loud and heavy. She would be scared of getting mugged at that moment until he spoke, "Namjoo! APink's Namjoo! Take a picture with me! I love you unnie!"
He says, fishing his phone out of his pocket frantically. Nami sighed deeply, here it goes again. Another fan stopping the wrong person for a picture. And wait... Nami's face twists, did this boy just call her 'unnie'..?
"Mian.. I'm not-" she starts speaking, but is caught off by a sweaty arm slinging over her shoulder and a phone in front of her face. He smiles big and takes it, then quickly looking at his camera roll. Nami was taken aback by all these happenings at once. She blinked, looking at him for a few seconds before he made an unhuman and a definitely unmanly squeal. "OH MY GOD UNNIE IS SO PRETTY! I have to show my mom!" He giggles like a little school girl, although he looked to be in his late thirties. He ran away quickly after bowing to Nami who quietly and awkwardly bowed back. She turned back to the front with a sigh, "how many times is this going to happen..?" She stomps her foot, then hurrying to the spot she decided to pick for her sister and her.

   It was hard being in her twin's shadow. Kim Namjoo is a big star, and APink is a very famous group. Don't get Nami wrong, she is very happy for her sister, but being her lookalike was nothing but irritating. She would get fangirls and fanboys who would stop her on the street, she constantly had to ask her teachers to say her name properly, her friends even joked about it a lot. Honestly, she feels like she's not her own person, and just Namjoo's lookalike. Not even a sister. The company and Namjoo decided on keeping a secret, not even her members knew about it. Namjoo thought it'd be 'better that way' since they could do their own things. That's better said than done though of course. Nami went on with college, learning how to be a hairstylist. Namjoo debuted a couple of years ago, being the vocals of the group, APink. Same face, same hair, same body, but complete different interests, abilities, and personalities. All Nami could think about was that hopefully that man didn't post it everywhere, that kind of instance will make Namjoo upset with her, hearing the same sentence again, "you should've told him no.. my fans and members are going to get suspicious and think I'm time traveling!" She heard that before, along with other bizarre warnings. She wanted to be in the spotlight herself for once honestly, and taking the credit for someone else's achievements didn't feel too good. She wanted to accomplish something big too.

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