2: Idol Stuggles

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It's been a few days into the new switch, and while Namjoo had no troubles with her new college life, Nami was experiencing the opposite. She almost blew her cover on many instances. She can't help her blabber mouth, and pretending to be Namjoo was very hard. It was easier being Namjoo when she was Nami to be honest, if we're talking about the people in the street.
"Namjoo! Why can't you get this down?" The dance choreographer sighs, looking at Nami with her hands on her hips. Nami looks down at her hands and shyly bows. "I'll do better.. mianhae." She says with a soft sigh, then getting back into position. She was honestly good at singing, she didn't have the same voice as Namjoo, but it sounded close.. one thing she lacked was the dance skills. They've been working on it for a few days, and she still can't get it. They have not stopped training for their new comeback, and Nami now understands why Namjoo is so tired all the time. It's exhausting, and she honestly feels like she'll never get it down. What really makes her nervous is the fact that they'll have to make a music video, do interviews, perform on stage.. all of that gave her chills just thinking about it. After another half hour of dancing, it had already gotten late, and was time for heading back to the dorm. Nami sighed deeply as she picked up her things, turning to see Bomi and Eunji standing in front of her. Nami shyly looks down, "oh.. yes?" She asks awkwardly. Bomi and Eunji look at each other, laughing. "Why do you look scared?" Eunji asks, tilting her head. "Yah! Give me your lunch money!" Bomi says with her fists in the air. Eunji lightly hits her at that joke, laughing along. "Oh.. haha.. my bad. Ready to go back to the dorm?" Nami asks, embarrassingly rubbing the back of her neck. She can't get out of the habit of assuming everyone is there to interrogate her. "Yeah! You don't want to eat with us again? That's so weird.." Bomi crosses her arms, starting to walk out with the group. "S-Sorry.." Nami accidentally stutters, then placing her hand over her mouth. The girls exchange weird looks, wondering what's up with her. "Okay, see you at the dorm after then." Naeun joins in, smiling and waving to her before they walk a different direction. Namjoo sighs with relief before scurrying off to the dorm. "Maybe she's sick?" Eunji asks worriedly. "I don't know.. her rhythm is off.. and she keeps averting her eyes from us.. she doesn't have her big appetite.. also.. did her voice change?" Naeun lists it off, trying to place her finger on it. "Ah! She also got taller too! It's weird.. she's usually so much shorter.." Chorong shrugs. Bomi gasps loudly, making the girls stop in their tracks. "Those symptoms! She has mad cow disease!" Bomi comes to her conclusion, yelling it a little too loud. The girls look at her with a mix of confusion and disbelief. "Yah! Stop watching those doctor dramas. You don't even know what any of that means." Eunji says, thumping Bomi's forehead softly. As the girls laugh at her, Hayoung just rubs Bomi's back to comfort her. "It's ok.. maybe you're tired. Let's eat.."

"Namjoo..?" Nami bites her lip, as she hears the phone on the other line pick up. "Hey sis! How's it going?" Namjoo's happy voice can be heard. Nami sits on her new bed, looking around at her surroundings. "They're.. suspicious." Nami says, looking down. Namjoo could be heard sighing, "it's only been a few days Nami.. you-" Nami cuts her off though, "I can't dance.. I can't talk to them well.. I can't go out to eat with them.." Nami almost wants to cry with frustration. She didn't know she was this shy and awkward.. since she never even tries to talk to people. Namjoo's smile could be felt even over the phone, "this is good for you. Break out of your shell Nami.. you'll be just fine. Just work hard and don't give up." Namjoo advises her. Nami nods, even though it can't be seen. "Okay.. thanks.. I'll try." She still felt unease, and wasn't sure why. "Did you eat?" Namjoo asks after a few moments of silence. "Mm." Nami replies, looking up at the bedroom door as she hears the girls coming back. "Make sure to take your medicine sis! You don't need to get sick~" Namjoo says, her tone sounding sweet. Nami could tell that she was happy there, "Alright. Take care too.. goodnight." She smiles halfway, then hanging up after she heard her reply. "Heyy~" Bomi busts into the room her, Nami and Eunji share. "You should've been there! The beef was extra tender!" Bomi says, her hands rubbing her stomach with satisfaction. Eunji laughs a bit, setting her purse on her bed. "Was it mad?" She asks, making Bomi, who was taking off her shoes, throw her sock at her. "Yah! I know what it means now! I was just ruling things out.." she crosses her arms, then plopping on the bed. Nami was about to ask, but decided not to bother. She did need to say something though, they were already onto her.. if she didn't start acting more outgoing, this could all be over. That would be sad, considering that she hasn't even started the real idol stuff yet. "HA! That's weird!" Nami's voice came out strangely, sounding like a goose. She slapped her hand over her mouth quickly, her eyes wide at her embarrassment. Bomi sat up on the bed, laughing, "What the heck was that?" She asks, continuing to laugh at her late goose reaction. Eunji was snickering too, as she tidied up her space. Bomi then laughed so much that she hit her head on the bunk above her, making Nami start to laugh. Nami makes her way to her, still laughing at her though. "Oh my gosh! You ok? Haha." She asks, seeing how Bomi's soul left her body, her just laying there. Eunji was laughing more audibly now, "Bomi.. you're so weird... babo." Eunji shakes her head. "Say that again!" Bomi crosses her arms, looking up at Nami, who was trying to see if she was ok. "Wow Eunji! She's looking at me! What a miracle! She's cured." Bomi smiles at that. "Am I sick..?" Nami seems to ask herself as she straightens up. "Obviously! What would be wrong with her?" Eunji laughs, then stepping up the ladder and to her bed. "You dented my bed.. now it doesn't feel right." Eunji jokes, rubbing her bed sympathetically. Bomi laughs, looking up at her with disappointment. "You're lucky im too tired to do anything!" She laughs. Nami laughs too, this moment easing her a bit. Since she first got here, all she thought about was not blowing her cover so much that she forgot to actually have fun. Nami then goes to her bed and lays down. "Oh.. Namjoo! Tomorrow we have to go to an award show to support our fellow idols! I can't wait.. remember to get plenty of sleep. I know you didn't sleep very well last week." Bomi says as she gets under her covers. Nami furrows her brows, award show? Her first one.. at least they're only in the audience and not performing, that made her heart feel better. Wait.. Nami turns around to ask Bomi a question about how she knew she wasn't sleeping well, but noticed that she turned the light off and was laying still in bed. Nami then settled down. Her sister really hasn't been sleeping well.. how does she get up and do all this practice if she's still exhausted? She sighs and pulls the blankets over her. She just hopes that she's sleeping well where she is.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 11, 2018 ⏰

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