just a few minutes please

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Hi, it's me. I choose to write this here because this book is easier to reach out to thousands of you.

I still cant believe we're shocked by the news of Jonghyun's death. I dont know what it's like to be after death, but somehow, I hope he found what he has been looking for, freedom and happiness.

Above all of that, what really broke my heart is the way he died. I'll make this quick.


We're humans. There are only so little things we could keep to ouselves. I know there are some chapters of our lives we didnt read out loud and I also know there are people whom we trust.

If you reach your limit, PLEASE JUST GRAB ANYBODY AND HOLD ONTO THEM. You can talk abt it, cry abt it. There is nothing wrong.

No you dont look weak. Dont let that gets to your brain. Dont let anybody tells you that.

If nobody cares, I care. You can reach out to me. I may not know you but I really stand for humanity and our well-being. Everybody I know from here nor kpop has been like a family to me

2nd, watch what you say.

You may not be the victim of mental illness but you can cause it. Often we say what we like, to us, IT IS NORMAL AND NOT OFFENSIVE. "It is just the way I talk". Bullshit.

You need to start caring abt people, you're not living alone here in the world. This kind of people will only smile and doesnt say anything but deep down, they take note of what you're saying.

They will even start to believe it.

3rd, please always be kind.

ALWAYS BE KIND. You dont know what other people are going through. That's why it is always important to be generous. It wont cost you a dollar.

Be concern. People dont realise how much "are you okay?" can save lives or can make a person step a foot back from jumping of a building.

They suffered enough, they dont need us to make it worse. They just need help.


Please dont say

"why are you being so depressed abt it? A lot others had it worse than you"

"Dont be so weak"

And a lot more.

them who commit suicide did it to free themselves. To me, who the hell wants to commit suicide or take their own life away unless IF THEY HAD TO. IF THEY CANT BEAR IT ANYMORE.

Dont get to that point of depressed, loves.

How many more suicide does it takes to open our eyes not to be selfish? Not to be offensive? Not to be cruel?

I cant really think of anything else to say..

No matter what religion or background or race you are, these victims are HUMAN. Raise awareness, watch over yr family and friends.

I truely regret the loss of lights on this Earth we're living in through suicide. My deepest condolences goes to Jonghyun's family and friends.

I got your backs, okay? be kind.

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