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Tony Stark had been working for the last 15 hours, non stop. No food, water or sleep. He was working on a chemical mixture to help him shape-shift into any animal at anytime. Only problem, he didn't make an antidote or tell anyone else that could help him.

Bruce walks in after dinner "Tony, you have to eat something. You can't live off coffee." Tony sighs and looks up from his work. "I know, I'll eat later. I think I'm almost done." Bruce didn't even bother asking what it was. Tony started to work again. Bruce figured it was best to leave Tony to his work. After a few hours, while Clint was sitting on the couch reading the Hunger Games, he sees the blaring lights. He quickly puts in his hearing aids and hears Jarvis "There has been a situation down in the lab. I would suggest going down there. Fast." Clint sprinted down there to see a gray cat sleeping on Tony's desk. The others arrive soon after. "Haha Stark, very funny trying to get us to believe that you turned into a cat. Now come out and explain this." Steve says with all the sarcasm. The cat stirs and sees the Avengers looking at it. That is when they notice it has a collar with an Arc Reactor emblem that say 'Anthony Stark'. The realization hits them like a brick wall. Tony had turned himself into a frickin' cat! "Tony, Did you turn yourself into a cat?" Bruce asks worriedly. The cat just lightly nods its head. "Okay, Tony can communicate with us as a cat. Anyone wanna tribute to take care of him while I try to find a cure?" Clint steps up "I volunteer as tribute. I do owe him something for the arrows." Tony purrs lightly and jumps onto Clint's shoulder. " Okay buddy, let's go set up my room for you. You will be staying with me. Ok?" Tony purrs and nods his head. Clint smiles and pets Tony's head. He doesn't seem to care. Clints walks to his room while Tony just sits on his shoulders. When they get to Clint's room, Tony jumps off his shoulder and into the loft bed. "Hey. That's my bed." Tony looks at him and points his paw at the king-sized bed in the middle of the room. "Fine. Don't get comfy though. We have to go to the store to buy you some stuff. Why don't we watch a movie or something while we wait for an answer." Tony looks down at the TV from 'his' bed. He jumps down and leaves the room. "Hey! Where are you going?" Clint follows Tony as he goes to the movie rack in the living room. Tony sits next to the rack, pauses for a minute, then points his paw at the movie that say UP. "Come on. Did you have to choose the saddest movie of the whole rack?" Tony crouches down and hisses while baring his teeth. "Okay fine! Jesus Christ. Even as a cat you are scary." Tony relaxes his muscles as he sees Bruce walk past. Bruce was on his way back from getting a bagel and didn't see Clint or Tony. Tony stalks behind Bruce and lunges himself at Bruce's back. When Tony latches on, Bruce screams in fear and his skin shows a tint of green. Tony immediately gets off Bruce's back in utter fear of the other guy. Bruce turns around and laughs when he sees Tony sitting behind him. He chuckles "Did you do that?" Tony looks up at him and nods his head slowly. Clint starts laughing like crazy along with Bruce. He collects himself and says "Oh. The estimated time for this to wear off is about 30-60 days." Tony looks up at Bruce. "He is gonna end up moving into my room completly before then." Clint says quietly.

Hey Guys, hope you like this story idea. I own no characters, possibly only Kitty Stark.

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