•Water Balloon Fight•

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Tony stalked around the house looking for the one and only Hawkeye to help him make a sandwich. He's already seen Bruce, Thor and Natasha. He walks back to his and Clint's room. He gets there to see Clint in the bathroom with a bucket of... water balloons? 'Uh oh. Why is he filling up water balloons?' After a while of Tony watching Clint, Tony decides to creep up behind Clint. "Meow" Clint jumps slightly while he is in firing position with a water balloon. Tony sees this and runs for cover. After Clint realizes what happened he laughs and goes to find Tony. "C'mon out Tony, You just scared me. I won't attack you with water balloons. In fact, I want to create a team to attack everyone else with water balloons. Wanna help?" Tony jumps up and meows eagerly. "Ok then. Let's go." Tony and Clint go get Nat and Bruce on their side.

--------Time Skip because I can------------

Phil had been hanging out with Steve a lot lately. They were sitting on the couch with Maria and Wanda watching about the 1940s. Clint, Natasha, Bruce and Tony had decided to sneak up on them. Tony had a water balloon strapped to his back. Clint had a slingshot and quiver full of water balloons. Bruce had a backpack full and Natasha replaced all her weapons with balloons. They slowly crept up on the other four. Phil and Steve were about to have an arguement when they got hit with a water balloon. Steve stood up and yelled "WHO THE HELL DID THAT?!" Then he got hit in the face. Bruce, Clint and Natasha all yelled "LANGUAGE CAP!" Maria and Wanda burst out in laughter before they got hit too. Phil just hid behind a pillow. Wanda used her powers to fill up 100 water balloons before hitting Natasha with one. She got really pissed, really fast. She filled up a pistol with balloons and fired all at Wanda. Now it was Team Cat vs. Team Cap. Tony's job was to scare everybody with the water balloon. It was a civil war with water balloons.

-------Time Skip to 7 hours later----------

Everyone had finally surrendered. The whole 60th floor was soaked along with everyone. Poor Tony got hit many times(mostly by Cap). The Phil and Maria got an idea. They were going to get Fury up there and attack him with everything they've got. Phil told everyone the idea and they all agreed. Maria got everyone to hide while Wanda, Natasha, Bruce and Cap all filled up water balloons. Tony and Clint set up a trap where as soon as the door opened, Fury would get soaked from above. After everything was set, they got into position and called Fury up. After 5 minutes, he walks through the door. "What trouble has you maniacs gotten yourself int-" He got cut off by being rained down upon with water balloons. Then everyone jumped out and hit  him with all the water balloons they had. Within seconds, he was drenched as if he jumped into a pool with his clothes on. While everyone was laughing, Tony went to Fury and jumped on his shoulder. Fury went to hit the cat off his shoulder but Tony bit him in the hand. "OWW! MOTHERF-" He got cut off yet again by Tony patting him on the head. Everyone was on the ground laughing now. Fury sighed and left without another word. Tony had laughed too(however cats laugh) and went over to Clint. "Today was AWESOME! Thanks for helping us Tony." Tony meows in agreement. After a while, everyone had calmed down and went to bed.



Phil had been kicked out of the SHEILD tower and had to stay at Stark Tower but there were no extra rooms. He had to sleep in Cap's room with Steve. Let's just say....Steve got no sleep due to Phil's fangirl screaming.

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