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For Clint, today could be considered the worst day ever. He was sick with a 'cold'. He thought he had the flu but didn't want to admit it. Somehow though, Tony found out he had the "flu" and wasn't planning on letting him do anything throughout the day.  Here's how it went...

Clint's P.O.V

"Meow. Meow. Hsssss. Whack!" "Ow! The hell was that?!" Something woke me up with a start. I got slapped in the face by...Tony? Dear Odin, give me strength to get through today with Tony AND the flu. I decided to throw a pillow at Tony. Of course, it hits him. 1 point for the world's best marksman. He yowls in protest as the force of the pillow knocked him off the bed and into a wall. Clint laughs and coughs. Tony looks up in curiosity to see Clint hunched over and wheezing in the bed. Worried, he sat on Clint's leg and cocked his head to the side. Clint smiled and wheezed out, "I have a cold." Tony darts out of the room. Clint mutters, "A cat is afraid of sickness?" He goes back to sleep.

Hours later.....

Knock knock knock

Clint woke up with a pounding headache and the muffled knocking on the door didn't make it any better. He groggily looked in the mirror. Jeez. I look like crap. Disheveled hair, bags under his eyes, and looking a sickeningly pale. He shuffles towards the door. "Who is it?" He heard himself speak for the first time. I wish this would go away. A muffled voice responds back. I forgot my hearing aids. He grabs his hearing aids and goes back towards the door. "What was that?" The person had still been talking. "Clint. It's Bruce. Tony informed me of your condition. I think you have the flu." Clint stars getting angry. "No I don't! Plus, what can a stupid cat tell you?!" He hears an agitated meow in dismay but ignores it. He opens the door when he realizes that Bruce won't give up. The doctor enters the room. "Clint! What happened?! You look like you're about to pass-" He's cut off by Clint collapsing to the floor.

"Shit!" Bruce yells and calls out for the others.
Pietro is there as soon as he hears Bruce curse. He looks down and see Clint on the floor. Pietro starts to panic but picks up the unconscious man and sprints to the med bay.
He paces around swiftly, making papers go flying. He paced until Tony bit his heel. He screamed out and pushed the cat with his foot. Bruce walked in as Tony went to pounce on Pietro's foot. "You two, be nice." Bruce attached monitors and an IV to Clint as he took down some information. He did a few quick tests on the unconscious man before huffing and running a hand through his hair. Pietro perks up in his seat. "What happened? Is he okay?" Bruce grabbed his clipboard and showed Pietro the results. Pietro barked back, "I don't know that sciency magicy shit. Explain it." Bruce seemed to get a bit agitated at the teen's attitude. "He has meningitis. Severe." Tony's ears perked up. It was a commonly fatal diesease. Pietro softened up a bit. "What can you do about it?" Bruce looked at Clint once more and sighed. "For a while, he can't wear his hearing aides and his right arm is looking really purple. His blood may be septic-" Pietro cut him off. "Wait, the old man has hearing aides? Is he really that old?" Bruce picked up one of the hearing aides and shook his head. "No. He was born with a significant hearing loss. 80% in both ears." Pietro sighed. "Oh." He slouched back down as Bruce went back to work. He left the room for a few minutes to test the blood. Tony curled up on Pietro's shoulder and mewled lightly. Pietro looked at the sleeping cat on his shoulder. "Do you think he'll be okay?" Tony shifted one shoulder and fell asleep. Pietro was left to his own thoughts for a minute before Bruce walked in again. He went over to Clint and moved the blanket to see his arm again. "Ohmygod!" Bruce took a quick step back. Pietro shot up, holding the cat in his hands who was startled awake. "What happened?" Bruce slowly lifted up the blanket. Clint's arm was now a purpleish green. It was sickening. "Pietro, get everyone in here. Now!" The kid ran off and a second later, people popped up, one after another. Cap was in his gym clothes and Natasha was too. Wanda had been in pajamas. "What happened?" Steve asked, confused. Bruce pushed the blanket away from Clint's arm completely so they could see it. Wanda almost threw up and Steve did throw up. Thor raised an eyebrow and Natasha stood, emotionless. "Turns out, He has severe meningitis and his blood has gone septic. His arm is gonna have to be amputated. I figured that I'll let you guys know before I do it."
Everyone nodded and walked out, apart from Tony and Pietro. Bruce raised an eyebrow because Pietro decided to stay. Bruce wheeled him into a dark room with shades and after awhile, drilling was heard. The sound caused Tony to hid his face in Pietro's sweatshirt hood.  He slept in it like a kangaroo pouch.

Time Skip!!!!
A few hours later

There was silence. Pure, ominous silence in the room as Tony slept and Pietro stared at the opposing wall. Then, there was a loud crash as Clint was wheeled out of the dark room and into the main room where the two others sat quietly. The crash caused Tony to wake up and perch on Pietro's shoulder. Tony looked at Clint's face and laughed internally. There's Clint! Always looking like he wants to kill you. Even when he is unconscious. Pietro sits up and looks at Bruce, expecting news. "Well...." Bruce moves towards him slowly. "Well, there were some complications with the septic blood...."

Part 2 will be up soon!!!

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